I’ve had my appointment with the nhs Endo and she has agreed to prescribe T3 again due to my heart checks all being fine.
she thought my tight chest last year when on T3 was due to my Levo dose being too high.
she has prescribed 2 x 5 mcg T3 daily (1 dose morning & 1 dose afternoon).
She said to reduce my Levo to 25mcg and to do this all at the same time.
(I had been on 87.5 mcg Levo until 6 weeks ago when I reduced to 75 mcg and added 5 mcg t3). I didn’t mention this to her.
May nhs results were:-
Free t4 22.7 (11-22)
Free t3 3.3 (3.1 - 6.8)
tsh 2.00 (0.27 - 4.2)
August Medichecks results are:-
Free t4 17.8 (12-22)
Free t3 4.1 (3.1 - 6.8)
tsh 2.52 (0.27 -4.2)
Thyroglobulin antibodies 93.6 (0-115)
Thy. Peroxidase antibodies >9 (0.34)
I can see that my FT3 has improved.
My tsh has increased but I think I read that most people feel better with a tsh of 1 or under, so this is probably worse.
I’d like to increase my t3 from 5 to 10 mcgs but not sure if I should change the Levo to a lower dose at the same time.
maybe I should reduce to Levo first then add the other 5 of t3.
I haven’t felt much better but it’s only 6 weeks on t3. I have noticed that I’m not so tired in the afternoon. A real change for the better is that once a take my meds about 4.30 a.m (when my cat wakes me 😩) , I could never get back to sleep but since the t3 dose I go back into a really deep sleep for about 3 hours which is amazing. Maybe that’s why I’m not so tired in the afternoon/evening.
Do my results shed any light on next steps please?
thank you 😊