I’ve just had a phone consultation follow up with my nhs Endo. My first appointment was in June this year. She then referred me for a Short Synacthen Test which she said was fine. After my June appointment I posted about my disappointment that she ordered a blood test that didn’t include a full thyroid profile and that she made a comment about my difficulty swallowing ‘can sometimes be imagination’.
After that I did get a private b/t done in August and emailed my results to her for feedback but didn’t get a reply.
Today she said she will prescribe a 3-6 month trial of T3 (Liothyronine).
I asked about getting my bloods done before I start but she said it wasn’t necessary as my last ones were ok. I told her I’d really like to do this before I start but she said there’s also a shortage of blood containers so no b/t will be done.
She said she’d start me on 10 mcg T3 , half on waking and half after lunch. She would lower my Levothyroxine from 87.5 mcg daily to 50 mcg daily.
I feel really grateful to get this T3 trial but am concerned to just take it the way she’s advised without blood tests first plus, I don’t have confidence in her after management so far.
I do have the name of a recommended private Endo . I had planned to see how I get on nhs wise due to costs but, go privately, if needed. My instinct is to get a private blood test done and see the private Endo now before starting the trial.
Am I being over cautious?
Thanks 😊