I'm feeling very tired and overwhelmed with managing my health at the moment, wondering if anyone has thoughts or advice on my results. Here's the background and about me:
I was diagnosed with a pituitary tumour (non- hormone producing) in August last year which caused some havoc with my hormones. It was surgically removed in January. I have had lots of blood tests with the endocrinology team at the hospital to test my pituitary hormones, and it was showing I was borderline Hypothyroid. I didn't look into it too much because I wasn't sure if this was because of the tumour causing problems.
In Sept, my thyroid hormones went very hypo and i was started on 25mcg of Levothyroxine. Started to gradually feel better on this, albeit good days and bad days, and am now on 75mcg since April 2022.
I had an anti-body test in May, although i haven't had a follow up appointment since this test, I assume this definitely confirms Hashimotos.
Thyroid peroxidase antibody >1,300 iu/ml (0 - 60 iu/ml)
My periods have started to come back after the tumour, but they are irregular and I am getting worried about fertility issues.
I am about 71-72kg.
I eat well (i think!) mainly a plant based diet but having read a bit more on thyroid diets I have cut out dairy and eggs for now and upped my chicken and fish intake. Gluten I have tried removing entirely but got scuppered at weddings and events recently... finding it really hard to eliminate everything at once.
I'm so tired getting out of bed, and I can barely make it through the day working full time without needing a nap. The GP organised for some tests yesterday.
I did these fasted, 8.30am, no levo since the previous morning. No biotin or other supplements as don't know how much i should take.
Thyroid: attached image.
Folate: 9.11 ug/L (>=5.38 ug/L)
B12: 370.0 ng/L (211.0 - 911.0 ng/L)
They also ran a full blood panel, CRP, creatine and electrolyes, liver function, bone profile, HBA1c. not sure if it's helpful to see these results?
I guess i am just starting out on my thyroid journey but it feels very overwhelming and i am not sure if the GP is going to want to decrease my medication because my TSH is low? I am guessing they will say all of my results are normal based off what I have read here.
I have just found out I won't have an appointment with my secondary care endocrinologist until October, so I am trying to be as proactive as I can in managing this as I can't keep feeling this rubbish!
I'm not sure really sure what my results mean. Do i need a dose increase or just focus on diet/ supplements?
Thanks in advance.