Hi All
I posted a couple of months ago after getting private bloods back. I have now got an appointment with nhs endocrinologist so have had bloods done by surgery. The results are
T4 12.5 (8-19.1)
T3 4.2 (2.4-6)
I take 125mcg t4 and 10mcg t3. Last dose on t4 24hrs before test and t3 about 11 hours.
These results are lower than medichecks but in the past I have tended to show increase in blood results then it drops again. I still have symptoms. Dry skin, hair, some fatigue, palpitations, weight gain, low exercise tolerance, palpitations initially improved on t3 but have crept back.
Is this enough to request increase? I've never seen the endo before. Only seeing him following a complaint to health board.
Thanks again in advance for advice.