Just had my bloods redone.
Previous results in February:
TSH 1.22 (0.27-4.2)
FT4 13.1 (12-22)
FT3 5.1 (3.1-6.8)
I was on 10mcg T3 and 50mcg T4 before these results. Increased to 75mcg T4, T3 stayed at 10mcg.
Results last week (after about 3 months):
TSH 0.44 (0.27-4.2)
FT4 15.6 (12-22) - 36% through range
FT3 5.3 (3.1-6.8) - 59% through range
I initially felt much better on the above dose - I have been able to go the gym and exercise without a post-exercise thyroid slump and have wanted to socialise; however, in the last 4-5 weeks I have been feeling very run down - like I have a bug. I have had bowel cramps and excess wind on and off, dark and smelly urine on and off, (am waiting for GP to get back to me re a test for infection). feeling chesty/mild cough, sore throat, had some chills yesterday, headaches constantly. I've been unable to exercise in this time as I feel unwell, but generally I am not getting thyroid type tiredness. Heart rate is normal. No constipation. I could just have a bug of course (and am conscious I am 49 so likely also perimenopausal) but wondered if my T4 needs to increase a little? Would welcome views.
NB I took T3 24 and 12 hours (split dose) before the test, and T4 24 hrs before. Test was early morning on a empty stomach.
Thank you!