Does anyone else with graves and / or Hashimoto's have issues with phlegm? I feel like I have to clear my throat and it’s usually after I have had gluten or dairy and Also wine!!! When I eat perfect it doesn’t seems to happen. My dr just raised my medication and added more B12 due to my recent labs. He said I should start to feel better in a month. I feel overall pretty good and have good energy. It just seems to bother me when I don’t eat well. My last blood tests show my T4 a bit low .83 (.84-1.62). and TSH 3.56 (0.282-4.00). I am on Thyquidity ( levothyroxine sodium). My dr wants my TSH around a 1. Thank you!
Graves Hashimotos Gluten/Dairy and Phlegm - Thyroid UK
Graves Hashimotos Gluten/Dairy and Phlegm
Having to clear your throat like that, due to phlegm, is a hypo symptom. And you are still hypo - very under-medicated! Possible you'll need your TSH below 1, whether your doctor likes it or not, a lot of hypos do. I only feel well when mine is suppressed.
Thank you so much for the quick reply!!!!! Feeling better knowing their is a cause! It is so annoying and has been stressing me out a bit.
I can imgine, yes. Hopefully, it will improve as your levels rise.
I even asked my Endo about the nasal drip feeling he said he doesn’t know what that’s from! That scared me. It’s just this need to clear my throat. When my numbers are normal I don’t have this problem. I can’t believe my Endo said he didn’t know why I was having this issue. Thank God for this site!!
I believe it’s called post-nasal drip, and as Grey Goose said, it’s definitely a hypo symptom.
I have severe nasal drip and lots of other sinus ear issues. Finally I’m seeing ENT today as they suspect sinus polyps or there is an autoimmune condition where your immune system attacks your Eustachian tube. Might be worth getting it investigated if it continues long term or becomes unbearable to manage daily
Are you gluten & dairy-free?I have tried but failed in the past.I know which dairy triggers me & pay a price if I over-indulge(sinus headaches)I eat mainly spelt & use mainly goats milk.Both sparingly.I am taking daily quercetin with bromelain now & use a Sinugator & Sinupulse.
last time I had a sinus infection the locum GP insisted I have an MRI scan of my head.
I have Hashimoto’s and get horrible sinus infections. It’s affecting my hearing too which is a problem in social settings
Using a neti pot helps as does popping my ears which forces the phlegm to the back of the throat so it can be spat out. Absolutely horrible and probably a funny thing to say but it feels so unfeminine. It is though just one of those things that has to be done!