Gluten and dairy free: I have been to see a... - Thyroid UK

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Gluten and dairy free

Psycho1 profile image
23 Replies

I have been to see a recommended Endo this weekend. How refreshing that he seemed passionate about his work! I have struggled for 7 months now (been hashi for years).

He has recommended for starters that I try Gluten and dairy free...whilst having further tests including Addison's disease.

Just trying to get my head around it seems there is some controversy as to wether gluten free helps..not that that will stop me.

Has anyone else had any positive results from gluten/dairy free.

Thanks in advance.

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Psycho1 profile image
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23 Replies

Yes Psycho1.

If you have any slight intolerances, these will inflame your body, making it produce more antibodies.

Our aim into reduce high levels of antibodies and calm immune responses until eventually you be able to tolerate a little bit of gluten now and again.

I have found going gluten free 100% better and can even eat a little when we eat out.

I also did the Cyrex Intolerance analysis test which showed I was intolerant to rye, amaranth, spelt, hemp,and barley (so no beer .


Psycho1 profile image
Psycho1 in reply to

Ok so that's the link with thyroid and antibodies..I shared with the receptionist my horror at giving up all the goodies with gluten in..she said that is really but then she looked relieved.... "but you can still have wine"

Ha small mercies! And crisps seem okay...thank goodness!

Ummn......but no beer!!

in reply to Psycho1

It seems daunting at first but you soon get used to it.

I have found because I feel so much better this has increased my resilience against caving in and eating a doughnut ..).. Or whatever..)..

Same with sugar I don't even miss it.

But wine ....I miss that.


Jazzw profile image
Jazzw in reply to Psycho1

You have to watch the crisps - there are a few varieties where the crisps are wheat flour coated. And cheese and onion ones go off the menu... :(

I've recently had a stint of dairy free but it made absolutely no difference to me, so I've started to add butter and cheese back in. I'm think I was kind of hoping for miracles but none were to be had. Wheat/gluten free on the other hand has cured most of my eczema. I've been wheat free for over a year now, having finally realised it caused me all kinds of tummy problems. Didn't want to go there as I adore bread - but it doesn't adore me. :(

What I would recommend is giving up one at a time - don't jump straight into giving both up. Finding something to eat that's completely dairy and gluten free is a bit of a challenge at first. Try cutting each one out separately, so you can tell which one alleived symptoms - you may find it makes no difference whatsoever.

Psycho1 profile image
Psycho1 in reply to Jazzw

Yes I realise it might not make a difference..I guess for the moment it gives me some hope and a degree of control over this miserable disease..good idea to go slowly.

Ive decided to pave my way to completely gluten free in two weeks time after my holiday..I am preparing slowly.

How brilliant if it did work.

I love bread too...already researching how to make gluten free.

Fr23 profile image

Psycho1, I too loved bread,wine etc,you name it,I loved it.However,when my thyroid decided to have a life of its' own,I became intolerant to corn,nuts,wheat,gluten, and most other grains,so no beer or wine either. I have experimented from time to time with eating a little of the "banned foods",but always feel ill the next day,so have to avoid. I eat ready salted crisps,and drink Lactose free milk,and eat pumpkin and sunflower seeds instead of nuts.I sometimes eat oatcakes instead of bread, but you have to be so careful,as some brands have gluten in. Friends and family have sometimes suggested other things like wheat and gluten free breads ,cereals, and spaghetti etc,but to be honest,I don't like the taste,and they still make me ill in some way,so I think for me,it's better to avoid altogether. Try a Paleo or low GI diet,and the odd G&T,this works for me! Though usually one G&T is never enough!!

Psycho1 profile image
Psycho1 in reply to Fr23

Could I ask what symptoms you lost when having this new diet?

For me it's lightheaded, nausea, lack of energy and general not quite right.

Would give up bread any day to lose these.

in reply to Psycho1

Hi, I went gluten free years before I realised I had hypo symptoms. I had always suspected I was intolerant because of bloating. When I cut it out for months and later ate a biscuit I bloated up to six months pregnancy - so you might find out some of what it is doing after a good period off it.

I agree with the advice above to separate them - maybe stop dairy first then a few months later gluten. You might have one intolerance, not the other.

I had bad brain fog, and after going gluten free that went. Though it is very difficult to be sure what causes what.

Do you have any mediterranean ancestry?

Fr23 profile image
Fr23 in reply to

Aspmama,I am intrigued re your comment about Mediterranean ancestry,as I have this.What is the link please?

in reply to Fr23

Hi, north europeans - that is, Germanic/Swedish/Norse/British/Irish etc ancestry seem to have developed a peculiar ability to digest milk thousands of years ago. Most people in the world are intolerant of milk. I know that seems a bizarre statement to us Brits. We are most of us able to handle milk in adulthood - thousands and thousands of years ago we must have had an ancestor or two with that ability, and they probably survived the extreme cold of northern winters because of it.

I guess the Masai must also have this ability, but most adult black people cannot deal with milk. There are a few other pockets around the world of people who can digest milk in adulthood. Not many.

But if any of us have a grandparent or more than one from somewhere else than nothern Europe - Jewish, Turkish, Greek, north African etc etc etc - then we may have inherited the inability to digest milk protein or lactose in adulthood.

I kind of wonder if that might play into hypo. I wonder whether it might lead to a malabsorption of iodine. But I don't know if there is any research on this. There is one study I found which suggested a very high incidence of lactose intolerance in hypos - in Turkey, is my (flawed due to hypo) memory, but I don't think the study was controlled. We really need a study of northern European descent people to see if lactose intolerance is associated with hypo.

I would bet it is.

Psycho1 profile image
Psycho1 in reply to

No I'm quite English?

in reply to Psycho1

OK, I would suggest try cutting out runny milk products first for a few weeks and see if there is any difference (milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese etc) then go back on them and see if there is a difference. Probably not a high probability but try it.

Then after that cut out gluten ruthlessly for about eight weeks. It will be really hard, but keep going. Then eat a high high gluten snack - sandwiches, croissants, biscuits - and see if you react.

The reaction might not be immediate, watch for a reaction which might be 48 hours later.

It is worth excluding these two things as factors. And if you react to either, that is fantastic news because by cutting them out in the future you will probably feel a bit better.

Fr23 profile image
Fr23 in reply to Psycho1

Psycho1,the symptoms I lost were bloating, IBS,skin itching,nausea,aches and pains,headaches,general all round feeling under the weather,and increased brain fog.From time to time,I do a small experiment of eating some bread or gluten,and the results are always the although boring,you will definitely feel better without wheat and gluten,and whatever else you can't tolerate in your diet. Feta cheese works for me,if you. Have to cut out dairy.Best of luck,you won't look back.

Psycho1 profile image
Psycho1 in reply to Fr23

Thank you..I'm enjoying peanut butter at the moment! As recommended by my Endo. Thanks again.

Rosy_Holly profile image

I don't have cows milk or gluten. I agree with the above it is worth it , feel so much better. My husband has joined me with this as he now no longer has indigestion. We have both lost weight, my husband too. The problem is he did not need too. Has recently had X-ray, scan, blood and urine tests. The surgery has said they have all come back ok. GP on holiday so waiting to see what he says. I have lacto free butter, goat a and sheeps cheese, almond milk and sometimes goats milk. The benefits are well worth it and you soon get used to,it. Good luck.

Psycho1 profile image
Psycho1 in reply to Rosy_Holly

Thanks for this, I asked above about the symptoms we might lose if gluten is the culprit to send thyroid and antibodies hay wire.

It can be a waiting game....hope your GP partner is willing to try the diet as well.

I wondered about butter, quess the big stores will have it.

I don't have a Hashi's diagnosis, but wanted to let you know you can get Gluten Free Brown Bread Flour made by Dove's Farm at health food shops and there is a recipe on the back (no kneading) which turns out a great little loaf. Having said this, I limit even my gluten-free bread intake, in fact all grains, as I feel better this way and have a lower symptom load.Please see my profile for my health info.

Psycho1 profile image

Ooh thank you!

Pink_Bear profile image

I've been gluten free for 2 years - hashi, like you and I was determined to find things that would make me feel better. There isn't one thing in particular that I can point to and say it made a difference, it's more general than that. I think the biggest change is in having a calmer gut and that I now absorb my medication and supplements better. Theses days I feel pretty much well all the time, and nothing would persuade me to go back to gluten. The first couple of months are tough, but honestly the day can come when you'll look at bread and cakes etc and not want them!

in reply to Pink_Bear

I've been gluten free for ten years and I still look at bread and cakes and want them...... !

But you do adapt to a different way of eating. Watch out for chips. They're usually done in a fryer which cooks other gluten foods and in most restaurants/pubs they're out too. A minefield...

Psycho1 profile image
Psycho1 in reply to Pink_Bear

I must admit, I am already looking at cakes and bread in a different way.

Thanks for this.

cgauthie profile image

Worked for me! I have eliminated meds for past 16 months. Read Amy Myers thyroid book “autoimmune solution”. It shares hundreds of story’s

newcanada profile image

I went to naturopath 2 years ago and she did full blood work t4 t3 reverse t3 antibodies vitamins the works better than any dr so far . She advised me to go dairy and Gluten free the difference was fantastic . Less puffy lost 5 lb and no more constipation. I take supplants recommended and I had more blood work and now reduce medication from .100 to .75

Hope this helps

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