My new blood work results
Presently on T4:120mg / T3: 30 mg and have joint pain can it be due to the high milligrams of T4. This is first time I take high T4.
Free T3: 2.6. 2.5-3.9
Free T4: 0.68. 0.61-1.12
T3 Reerse: 8.3 (L). 9.0-27.0
TSH 3rd gen: 0.425 0.340-4.410
T3,Total. 6.6(L). 87-168
T4,Total. 8.70 6.1-12.2
TSH Post. 6.41. 0.56
Symptoms: tired, achy circulation symptoms numb. Does anyone have any suggestions , thank you.