Hi everyone ❤️
I'm on a hyperparathiyroidism site, diagnosed with it seeing endo 2nd June.. I was watching a parathyroid surgeon who was taking open questions on conditions, symptoms and blood work up.. One thing he mentioned when asked about Calcium and PTH levels was about range and just out of RANGE ie.... Say your level of calcium was 2.30 to 2. 35 for a lot of your life, then a sudden calcium of 2.59 to 2.60 would be over range for you.. Eventho the range is 2.10 to 2.60..(uk)..same for the parathyroid say your normal PTH was 2.40 to 2.55...range is.. 1.60.. 6.90..(uk) then a range of 6.00..6.90..would be over range for you, eventho your gp says your in range... This got me thinking about our TSH, T3, T4.... Could this apply? Say your normal TSH was between 0.50..to 2.00 range (uk).. 0.30..4.50...then like mine it suddenly started to decrease but didn't go below the golden nhs range but you felt awful as I did symptoms of hyper..no T3 or T4 done..) Same for hypo only TSH would go up... T4 would lower T3 would lower, it was interesting in that he did not actually go by in range or out of range he went by what their calcium or PTH were before they showed signs of hyperparathiyroidism, as I said so some one with a calcium of 2. 35 who now had symptoms of hyperparathyroidism now had a calcium of 2.57 he would still diagnose them as being over range.. Where if you were seen in your surgery your gp would say "your calcium is in range so your OK" just got me thinking.. Something I think GPS and endos should take in to consideration 🤷♀️