Following my trial of T3/ T4 combo my NHS Endo suggesting GP take over prescribing as he can’t continue from hospital. Looking at my CCG’s info on this it says T3 scripts not allowed. Will my GP be able to prescribe? I have read that if NHS Endo instigates this then GP can take up scripts but I fear this won’t happen. I was going to write to CCG complaining but I don’t want to do this if it’s not necessary as I might rock the boat. I have enough for 3 months but I’m worried that if I leave writing to CCG too long it could take forever to persuade them as I’ve heard on here, Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you 😊
Endo asking GP to take up T3/T4 scripts - Thyroid UK
Endo asking GP to take up T3/T4 scripts

Oh thank you so much!!! I have completed 3 month trial. Problem might be that Endo has given me another supply so not sure what GP would make of that. He said he would ask them to take over but his report doesn’t actually say that. I just don’t want to wait and then CCG contact them and refuse. Thanks again.
My daughter had lots of problems a few years ago with Endo sending prescriptions to the GP surgery and the GP surgery not receiving them. It got to the point where the Endo secretary would send the script while on the phone to the surgery to confirm.
I would call the Endo secretary to make sure that it has been sent, then call the surgery to make sure that they have received it.
My NHS Endo is not in my area. He doesn’t send prescriptions to GP, he is in NHS hospital, his scripts only dispensed there. The two are not joined up anyway. He expects my GP to prescribe T3 now, but I’m not sure my CCG will allow this.
I worded that wrong. I should have said instructions, not prescriptions. My daughter's Endo was also NHS Hospital. I agree with Scrumbler about CCG. You can quote NICE guidelines at your GP though.