I had an Endo appointment on Friday and The Endo agreed I had a need for NDT, he did say I could have private prescription 1st as it’s black listed on NHS for new patients I said sorry I am not working as haven’t been well enough so I can’t afford private, he then said if I bought NDT internet he would do bloods look after me on it, I said wasn’t happy about buying on internet and I’m not sure I would have the money every month for that
He then said as I have some T3 added he would write to my GP to see if they are willing to prescribe NDT on the NHS as it is cheaper than T3 so they may prescribe it, he said he will copy me in the letter so I will know when GP gets letter
So now. A waiting game for me as the GP I see is only at the surgery 2 or 3 times a month so. I will have to wait for GP to get the letter
Does anyone know where I stand for the NHS prescribing it to me as I is black listed for new patients Or has anyone else got NDT as new patient on NHS since it’s been black listed ?
A bit unfair if I don’t get it as been left Quite unwell T4 for years so if I do get it refused I will be taking it further as should of been on this 15-16 years ago when it wasn’t black listed but wasn’t because of ignorant GPs
Ok I’m am a bit better with T3 added but still have many symptoms of Hypo so isn’t fair leaving me suffering.
Can the Gp say no if NDTi black listed or CCG Which I’m in Devon says they don’t prescribe it !
Are the GPsallowed to not follow what Endo consultant has instructed them to do? Even though he is an NHS consultant,
I made sure I went NHS so they didn’t have the private excuse to fob me off with .
Any info will be appreciated so I can go armed to Gp when she gets the letter which should be this week sometime .
I had a sub thyroidectomy in teens and have heard people who have had thyroidectomy do better on NDT this was also confirmed by my new Endo .