Blood tests results as promise: Hello everyone... - Thyroid UK

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Blood tests results as promise

KIM82 profile image
48 Replies

Hello everyone , I just received my bloods an I’m not sure what too do now I don’t even know if they are bad enough too go and see the private endocrinologist. Any feedback would be so appreciated . I don’t understand why my dr didn’t see how low my vitamin d was 🤦‍♀️. It’s been advised my that my levo should be put up it’s already up at 200 mg a day thought I’d pop that in 🙂

CRP HS. 3.06 mg/l <5 range

Ferritin 93.4 ug/l 13-150 range

Folate serum 4.18 ug/l R>3.89 - 19.45range

Vitamin b12 79.6 pmol/l. R > 37.5 - 187.5

Vitamin D 20 nmol/l. R 50 - 175

TSH 5.06 mlu/l. R 0.27- 4.2

FreeT3 4.17 pmol/l. R 3.1-6.8

Free thyroxine. 17.8 pmol/l R 12- 22

Kindest regards

Kim x

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KIM82 profile image
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48 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image


I don’t understand why my dr didn’t see how low my vitamin d was

Vitamin D 20 nmol/l. R 50 - 175

Good grief! What level has your GP ignored? You have Vit D Deficiency and your GP should follow the NICE treament:

NICE treatment summary for Vit D deficiency:

(click on Management > Scenario:Management)

"Treat for vitamin D deficiency if serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) levels are less than 25 nmol/L.

For the treatment of vitamin D deficiency, the recommended treatment is based on fixed loading doses of vitamin D (up to a total of about 300,000 international units [IU]) given either as weekly or daily split doses, followed by lifelong maintenance treatment of about 800 IU a day. Higher doses of up to 2000 IU a day, occasionally up to 4000 IU a day, may be used for certain groups of people, for example those with malabsorption disorders.

* Several treatment regimens are available, including 50,000 IU once a week for 6 weeks (300,000 IU in total), 20,000 IU twice a week for 7 weeks (280,000 IU in total), or 4000 IU daily for 10 weeks (280,000 IU in total)."

The Vit D Society and Grassroots Health recommend a level of 100-150nmol/L although your GP will be happy just to get your level up into the "sufficiency" range which is probably 75.

Once the loading doses have been completed you will need a reduced amount so you should make sure that you are retested after you have finished the loading doses so that you know how much you should then take going forward. Most doctors, if they continue prescribing, only give 800iu daily which isn't enough. If GP wont retest then do this privately (link below) and post your new result at the time for members to suggest a new dose to bring your level up to what's recommended by the Vit D Council/the Vit D Society (100-150nmol/L) and then you'll need a maintenance dose to keep it there, which may be 2000iu daily, maybe more or less, maybe less in summer than winter, it's trial and error so it's recommended to retest once or twice a year to keep within the recommended range. You can do this with a private fingerprick blood spot test with an NHS lab which offers this test to the general public:

Doctors don't know, because they're not taught much about nutrients, but there are important cofactors needed when taking D3.

D3 aids absorption of calcium from food and Vit K2-MK7 directs the calcium to bones and teeth where it is needed and away from arteries and soft tissues where it can be deposited and cause problems such as hardening of the arteries, kidney stones, etc.

D3 and K2 are fat soluble so should be taken with the fattiest meal of the day, D3 four hours away from thyroid meds if taking D3 as tablets/capsules/softgels, no necessity if using an oral spray.

Magnesium helps D3 to work. We need Magnesium so that the body utilises D3, it's required to convert Vit D into it's active form. So it's important we ensure we take magnesium when supplementing with D3.

Magnesium comes in different forms, check to see which would suit you best and as it's calming it's best taken in the evening, four hours away from thyroid meds if taking magnesium as tablets/capsules, no necessity if using topical forms of magnesium.

Vitamin b12 79.6 pmol/l. R > 37.5 - 187.5

This is OK but a bit on the low side. Below 70 suggests testing for B12 deficiency. I like mine to be 100+/

Folate serum 4.18 ug/l R>3.89 - 19.45range

This is low but not classed as deficiency. Folate is recommended to be at least half way through range so 12+ with that range.

If these were my results I'd take a good quality bioavailable B Complex, either Thorne Basic B or Igennus Super B which will raise both B12 and Folate levels. B Complex needs to be stopped for 7 days before any blood test otherwise it can cause false results if Biotin is used in the testing procedure (most labs do use it).

Nice Ferritin level :)

Your TSH is high considering your FT4 is just over half way through range so that does suggest a dose increase.

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to SeasideSusie

Hey susie , thank you for writing all that down for me I truly appreciate your time . I’m so daunted my anxiety is through the roof atm im so scared to go see my gp , if my tsh came back normal on their test how can I fight getting more T4 🤦‍♀️ Surely they will go by the blood tests they have rather than mine I can hear it already that the finger prick isn’t as accurate. I’m not even sure they did my vitamin D I know they did b12 and ferritin tho I still need to go up and get my results I’m just not feeling good atm always worse when I have my period .

I will keep you posted 🙂

My mum is telling me to tell you all thank you for your support she just wants her daughter back hopefully once I’m on the vit d I’ll feel better, I’m just scared they won’t give me it .

If they don’t shall I book too see the private endo ?

Kim x

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to KIM82


hopefully once I’m on the vit d I’ll feel better, I’m just scared they won’t give me it

Don't worry about that. I treated my own Vit D Deficiency (was 15nmol/L). You can buy your own D3 (I used Doctor's Best D3 softgels and highly recommend them) and follow the treatment summary above.

If you're considering a private endo, get a recommendation from members, many of them are a waste of time and money.

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to SeasideSusie

Ok susie I will do that 🙂

What do you suggest I do about upping the levo . If my tests shows I need more and their test shows I’m fit as a fiddle and don’t need it 🙈

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to KIM82

I'm not sure about the Levo, you're on a highish dose at the moment (average I'd say is around150mcg) so I don't understand why your TSH is so high. But, so saying, I know a previous neighbour of mine was on 300mcg. Not sure what she's on now as she left the area.

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to SeasideSusie

You have helped a lot susie thank you so much 😊 if I could give you a hug I would . You’ve listened to me and gave me so much advice .

I will write another post on how I get on probs be weds now it’s such a palava getting appointments atm , need too talk too a dr on the phone and they decide if they wanna see you or not .

Keep safe and well x

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to SeasideSusie

Hi susie I’m in tears just now , she won’t do vitamin D test she won’t listen too my results she’s gong only by her results she has in front of her . I asked if she did my b12 and folate or vitamin d and she said they don’t do they and even when she tried too put it in her computer that it wouldn’t let her . My results to her are normal and she wouldn’t listen too me. Even said I should find a new gp , I listed off 80-90 symtoms to her and she said it was mood and that it was probably fibromyalgia also too read up on it . I ended up putting the phone down on here in couldn’t cope 😭 I don’t know what to do im crying out for help . She was nasty to me .

Just wanted too know if I’d contacted the place to talk to someone about my mental health I said no not yet I’m trying too fix everything else lol Its not my mood causing this . I put the phone down on her 😭

She said my tsh was 1. Summit I can’t remember the last digit .


SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to KIM82

Hi Kim

I'm sorry you've had such a difficult experience with your GP. That's the trouble with phone consultations, it's far too easy for them to talk over you and not let a proper discussion take place.

She is very wrong to ignore your Vit D result of 20nmol/L and based on that result I can't see why she would refuse to test Vit D herself. However, don't worry about that, as I said before I treated my own Vit D deficiency so just follow the treatment summary above, it's easy enough. My suggestion for a D3 supplement would be the Doctor's Best D3 softgels 5000iu then retest after 3 months, post new level on the forum and we can work out what your follow on dose should be. My suggestion of K2-MK7 is either Vitabay or Vegavero brands. Magnesium you'll need to find out what form you need first.

I've also given you suggestions about a B Complex to help raise your B12 and folate levels. She's saying they're normal because they fall within their ranges, but they're not optimal and we always advise that we Hypos need optimal nutrient levels but we don't expect doctors to understand this as they're not taught much, if anything, about it at medical school.

Don't start all supplements at once, start with one, give it a week or two and if no adverse reaction then add the next one. Again, wait a week or two and if no adverse reaction add the next one. Continue like this. If you do have any adverse reaction then you will know what caused it.

For your TSH to go from over range to 1.? is unusual. Were both tests done under the same conditions, i.e. same time of day, nothing to eat or drink except water before the test, no Biotin or B Complex for 7 days before the test? If so I'm wondering what were the thyroid antibody results from this recent test?

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you susie I will do all that I promise I have too I have no choice .

“For your TSH to go from over range to 1.? is unusual. Were both tests done under the same conditions, i.e. same time of day, nothing to eat or drink except water before the test, no Biotin or B Complex for 7 days before the test? If so I'm wondering what were the thyroid antibody results from this recent test?”

Yes both the same susie I didn’t take my thyroxine for 24 hours and I fasted and I don’t take biotin and any vitamins atm . Only difference was my test was the finger prick and I did it on the Thursday didn’t get my result till the Monday I don’t know if that’s means anything .

Maybe if I get my vitamins all sorted my thyorid will sort itself out , I will do the weekly of adding anything new that’s a good idea cos I always worry I won’t know what’s helped I’m🙂

You have calmed me down thank you 🙏. Xxx

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to KIM82

What are the antibody results?

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to SeasideSusie

Here they are susie they seem ok

TSH 5.06 mlu/l. R 0.27- 4.2

FreeT3 4.17 pmol/l. R 3.1-6.8

Free thyroxine. 17.8 pmol/l R 12- 22

Thyorid peroxidase

Anti < 9 r 34

Thyroglobulin anti 11.6. R115

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to KIM82

Yes, they do, but one can have Hashi's without raised antibodies.

With such a difference in the TSH result, I think it may be worth repeating your thyroid test (not the vitamins) at some point because that's unusual.

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to SeasideSusie

Lol I’ve often been called unusual susie it’s not a surprise myBloods are acting up too hehe .

I think I might do the vein blood test this time , I could hardly get any blood out my three fingers 😂 I need it too much it didn’t want too leave hehe .

Do you think I should do the test again before I start all my vitamins , I’m so sorry for all the questions susie . Xxx

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to KIM82

Do you think I should do the test again before I start all my vitamins

No, I'd get started on the Vitamins, I think Vit D should take priority so start with that.

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to SeasideSusie

Ok susie I’ll go order it now ty 🙂 xxx

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to SeasideSusie

Hi susie I’m sorry to bother you,could you possibly look over my new results .

These where my old ones from last week done by medicheck

TSH 5.06 mlu/l. 0.27- 4.2

FreeT3 4.17 pmol/l 3.1-6.8

Free thyroxine. 17.8 pmol/l 12- 22

And these are the new results I got from monitor my health .


3.75 mu/L. Range 0.27 - 4.2 mU/L)

FT3 4.7 pmol/L range 3.1 - 6.8


FT4 21.7 pmol/L. range 12 - 22 pmol/

Things looks better , I’m still confused how my dr said my tsh was 1 something on her test 🤷‍♀️

I started my vitamin d3 and the k2 yesterday so fingers crossed I feel better from that .

Hope you’re well

Kim x

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to KIM82


I’m still confused how my dr said my tsh was 1 something on her test 🤷‍♀️

Have you got a copy of those test results? If not ask the receptionist for a print out just to make sure your GP is correct.

And these are the new results I got from monitor my health .


3.75 mu/L. Range 0.27 - 4.2 mU/L)

FT3 4.7 pmol/L range 3.1 - 6.8


FT4 21.7 pmol/L. range 12 - 22 pmol/

Well there's certainly a big difference in your FT4 level. Any change since your last test, increase in dose of Levo perhaps? If not when did you take your last dose of Levo before the test?

Your TSH is quite a bit lower, did you do the tests at the same time of day each time? Did you eat or drink anything but water (coffee maybe) before either of the tests?

Do you take a B Complex and if so did you leave it off for 7 days before both tests?

Sorry, I may have asked those questions before but I haven't re-read the whole thread.

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to SeasideSusie

Hey susie thank you for getting back to me I know you’re a busy woman .

I haven’t got my printout yet scared to go up there my anxiety is through the roof atm , I suffer from body dysmorphia and agoraphobia so when I’m stressed it’s extra bad . I know I need too get my hands on thoes test results tho . The receptionist printed them out for me two weeks ago . Wish they would just post it for me. Don’t want to piss them off anymore tho . They already messed with my gabapentine prescription 🤦‍♀️

I took levo a 5-6 the previous morning same dose 200 levo

I did my test about 7ish pretty close too the same time I did my other one give or take an hour, I got mixed up with the clocks going forward lol

My last cup of coffee was about8- 9 I think.

I hadn’t taken any vitamins till I posted that new results .

The only difference was I had a couple glasses of water during the night and a big glass before the test because I find it difficult too get blood out

very_ginger profile image

I’m really surprised your GP hasn’t flagged the Vit d deficiency. I had to take prescription when mine was 19.

Well done for getting the bloods done, I’m sure the lovely gang will help explain & provide better guidance for you to understand what the numbers mean a bit more

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to very_ginger

Hey ginger 🙂 I have no faith in my drs anymore honey its ridiculous we have too keep fighting like this just too feel better . In a nervous wreck to phone . Just the way they’ve made me feel over the yrs .

The women on here are godsends aren’t they total angels 🥰

I can’t thank you all enough talking me through it all , I’m not very clever at the best of times but with all thi brain fog and memory problems Uck it’s difficult isn’t it .

How are you feeling 🙂 x

very_ginger profile image
very_ginger in reply to KIM82

It’s a very sad state of affairs isn’t it. I totally get that feeling with GPs- I am dreading visiting again & talking through results- why I paid & had private today. I’m feeling quite positive I get a quick turnaround & can get some guidance from this lovely forum. Who all seem to be thyroid gurus 👌🏻. So although my head is foggy & I just want to mostly nap I feel quite hopeful that better days are not too far away 🤞🏻🤞🏻you’ll get there, we can all support you x

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to very_ginger

Aww I hope so too honey hopefully better days are too come 🙂 cos feeling like this isn’t normal , everyday is hell I only start too feel a bit better at night I’m a vampire hehe .

Keep us posted on how you get on at your gp 🙂

Hugs x

very_ginger profile image
very_ginger in reply to KIM82

I said similar the other day. Took me until 8:30 to notice my headache had gone then by 9pm i was yawning and ready for bed 😂😂😂

I haven’t yet plucked up the courage to book in with GPs I’m gonna go my own way for a while and not bother with them. Fills me with too much anxiety 🙈😫

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to very_ginger

Sorry honey I thought I’d replied to you I get mixed up so easily I’m sure you can all relate lol

I hope you continue too get the answers and feel better ginger we all deserve that , terrible how we have too get the answers .

Keep us posted

Kim x

very_ginger profile image
very_ginger in reply to KIM82

I wasn’t overly clear, speak in riddles most of the time 😂😂 fingers crossed you get some better support & start feeling more in control x

pennyannie profile image

Ok Kim - for my two penny's worth !!

Ideally when on thyroid hormone replacement we look to have a TSH well under 2 :

At least one 25mcg dose increase in T4 may be needed to bring this number down enough, we will have to wait and see how you go, as increments are generally after a 6-8 week window and a further blood test, to track your progress, and consider the next move.

As the TSH goes down the T3 and T4 should rise and with a T4 at just around 58% though the range there is plenty of room to climb up the range, likewise your T3 is at only just around 27 % through it's range and we generally feel better when both T3 and T4 are balanced and in the upper quadrants of their ranges.

As the T4 rises the T3 will also rise and it is where your T3 is in the range that gives you symptoms. Too low a level of T3 and you have symptoms of hypothyroidism and too high a level of T3 and you have the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Both conditions just different ends of the same T3 stick and no one wants to be at either end as both extremes are debilitating.

You don't apprear to be with an autoimmune disease so that's good news

Your conversion of the T4 into T3 will improve as you build back up to optimum the vitamins and minerals.

The accepted conversion ratio when on T4 only is said to be 1 / 3.50 - 4.50 - T3/T4 with most people preferring to come in at around 4 or under.

So to find your conversion ratio we simply divide your T3 into your T4 and I get - 4.3 and this should also improve once your core strength is strong and solid.

Conversion may also be compromised by any physiological stress ( emotional or physical ), inflammation, dieting, depression or ageing so just another few things, some of which we can't help, to throw into the mix.

Hope that helps a bit ; it does get better - trust me ;

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to pennyannie

Oh golly penny I need a few more coffees to understand all that hehe I’ve copied it all and I’m going too go thorough it all thoroughly later once I feel semi normal 🙂

If I could give you a big cuddle I would youv been so great and patient with me 😘

Keep safe and well penny , I love that name hehe we nearly got a puppy but I’m just not well enough atm but if we do I’m getting a wee girl and calling her penny 🙂


pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to KIM82

I was more like a tuppence until I got sorted out through here !!!

Never been tiny - am nearer 6 ft than most and feel skinny now at a size 16/18 :

Any new questions you may have are best answered in a new post - we can always look back at previous posts if necessary.

Work on getting that puppy, as when you are ready for this new member of the household it will be a positive force in many ways.

Keep us in the loop.

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to pennyannie

I will do Penny 😘 thank you 🙏

Oh youl be looking a skinny Minnie now hehe I’ve not been skinny since my teens . I’m 5’2 and a size 18/20 now but it’s took a lot too get to that . Still w wok in progress 🙂


pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to KIM82

Aren' t we all - but good health outweighs pounds and ounces !!

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to KIM82

There are some doctors who do no accept private blood tests.

No worries - as if this is the case a NHS blood test should be run to confirm the results.

Your low vitamin D is not going to magically disappear, nor is your too high a TSH blood test result.

If you take the list of symptom of hypothyroidism as detailed on the Thyroid uk website and mark those symptoms you are currently dealing with, this will help you focus and obtain a dose increase in T4 which in turn should lower the TSH and increase your T4 and T3.

After 6-8 weeks and another TSiH, T3 and T4 blood test, another dose increase in T4 - Levothyroxine maybe needed and this is the way we find where we need to be in the range to feel at our best.

Read around thyroid on the Thyroid uk website so to feel a bit more confident - it's what we all have to do in the beginning - and it does get easier.

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to pennyannie

I’m in tears just now , she won’t do vitamin D test she won’t listen too my results she’s gong only by her results she has in front of her . I asked if she did my b12 and folate or vitamin d and she said they don’t do they and even when she tried too put it in her computer that it wouldn’t let her . My results to her are normal and she wouldn’t listen too me. Even said I should find a new gp , I listed off 80-90 symtoms to her and she said it was mood and that it was probably fibromyalgia also too read up on it . I ended up putting the phone down on here in couldn’t cope 😭 I don’t know what to do penny in crying out for help . She was nasty to me .

Just wanted too know if I’d contacted the place to talk to someone about my mental health I said no not yet I’m trying too fix everything else lol Its not my mood causing this . I put the phone down on her 😭

She said my tsh was 1. Summit I can’t remember the last digit .


pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to KIM82

I'm so sorry - is there another doctor is this practice you can go to ?

Also Kim, if you want all forum members to see this which is sensible - you do need to write this as another new post - as at the moment I'm the only one who has been notified that you have written something.

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to pennyannie

Yeah there is too there penny ive never seen this lady before .

I’m so upset 😭. I said why am I having all these symptoms and she said she’s it’s mood .

And no pill will help hyper mobility or fibromyalgia,

I will post it again penny sorry I just needed too vent there was so many other things but I’ve forgot 😭

I’m going too get my bloods done again but by the vein this time . And I’ll do it a Monday or Tuesday instead of the Thursday see if that shows anything different .

Thank you for being here for me I can’t thank you enough xxx

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to KIM82

No worries - I too had issues when I questioned my care wth my doctor :

When, and if, you get a chance you can read my profile page : just pressing on the icon alongside my name here - and read my " So Angry " posts from a few years ago.

It's not you - but the system with many doctors like " closed books " and resorting to recite computer dogma rather than actually spend the time to listen and try and help their patients get better.

Doctors can be very clever at turning it all back onto the patient and this is so easy to do with people who are unwell.

It sounds like she had alreadty " boxed you off " before she'd dialled your number.

You shouldn't need to supplement this intial vitamin D result - this should be addressed in the NHS doctor and system and as for the T4 - Levothyroxine - we will try again, with someone else and if all else fails, you can but some for yourself.

No worries, ok then, yes always do the blood tests in good time at the beginning of the week so they don't " sit " somewhere, waiting to be processed over the weekend.

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to pennyannie

Yeah penny your good at putting it into words I’m a blubbering mess and I’m not the cleverest person to start with , I’ve been a nervous wreck to phone because I knew this would happen.

She rhymed a few things you don’t have this or this or this so I can’t put in the test for you , I remember one being rickets 🤷‍♀️

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to KIM82

If it wasnt for it being true it sounds like some sitcom with Tony Hancock - sorry - this guy was probably way before your time :

Pity you didn't tape the call - I wished that when I first started in here - as something equally upsetting happened to me .

Don't worry and just calm down and be nice and kind to yourself.

P.S. Maybe a Victor Meldrew moment, sums it up :- - " I don't believe it ?? "

He's more current - hopefully I got a smile out of you.

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to pennyannie

I wish I’d recordered it too penny 😢 I will never speak to that woman again tho I will make a note of that .


tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to KIM82

Sorry you've had one of those "phone call that's left you feeling like giving up" experiences... I think they must spend longer training GP's to do that than they spend telling them about how to fix people.. maybe that 's the point make us all give up and go away ? waiting list problems solved .. Ta dah!

However ...if they have a two week old TSH test that's telling them "1.something" then i can see why they think there's 'nothing to see here' and are disinterested in your reported "5. something"

So the first thing ( after you've had chocolates and Gin ,which you are allowed after a crap GP phone call ! ) is to figure out if the medichecks TSH of 5 was correct , and if so , is there a reason for the difference in results ? Was the medicheck early AM and the GP's early afternoon ? TSH is lowest around 1/2pm .

The GP's won't be allowed to order another TSH test for a while since they have just had one that's 'normal', but maybe you can repeat a private one. But to be honest the Gp's will still not give it any credibility since they are looking at one that say's 1.something.

By the way , it's worth actually getting your hands on these latest 'normal ' results... rather than a verbal report.. even if it was from the doctor.

I have once had my GP looking at the computer screen during a thyroid discussion and tell me "yes but the last one was 46".. when i got access to records i went looking for this '46'...

Well, i did find a TSH 0.046 a year previous to the results he was supposedly referring too , but honestly i don't know where he got the '46' from.

P.S on the subject of regaining your feeling of strength in the face of the brick wall you have you keep banging your head against...

i can recommend getting your historic records.. i got all my test results and appointments using an SAR request from 1990 to present day , and it certainly helps me feel more empowered when talking to GP's nowadays. I don't feel like 'they' are in charge anymore , i feel like I AM. still don't know how to fix it , but it feels better to feel i have some control if you know what i mean.

SAR = Subject Access Request.

Sorry i can't offer any more useful suggestions ... just a virtual hug, and to let you know it's not just you ... and permission to have Gin/chocolate.

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to tattybogle

Hi Tatty 🙂 than you for reaching you have gave me lots of advice , I will look into that SARS 🙂

The gin and the chocolate sound amazing tho hehe our shop just came so I might Nick something from my mums stash lol I hadly eat anything nice anymore I eat to live really cos I’m so scared to gain weight I’m stil at 17 stone and eat like a bird and that’s probably not helping either . What I do eat tho just not enough sometimes cos I don’t want the healthy stuff I want the bad stuff lol it’s the only time I feel happy tbh.

I wish you all the best tatty I could really scream for us all right now , I’ve called that doctor all the names under the sun .

As for my tests there where about a week apart tatty and both in the morning . My bloods at the gp where a Monday and my one from medicheck was thurs morning 🙂

I think I’ll go with a different place and get bloods retested . It’s worth a shot eh .

Big hugs 🤗 xxx

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to KIM82

looking on the bright side .. i think it's a good sign when GP's start to be nasty to you which often happens the first time they realise you're making noises about "seeing your results"....

:) let's you know you've got them on the run... after all they can't lord it over you if you can see the numbers too, and they do like to keep all the Knowledge (power!) to themselves.xx

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to tattybogle

You’re so right Tatty , if I don’t look out for my health no1 else will she’s shown that today , and I’ve felt it in the past with my actual gp .

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to KIM82

p.s maybe go with the Monitor My Health one , it's reasonable price (about £30 for TSH/fT4/ fT3 i think , but more to the point it's run and promoted by the nhs, therefore harder for them to dismiss as inaccurate if you shove it under their nose as 'evidence'

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to tattybogle

Yes MMH test is only £29 and £26.10 if order via Thyroid U.K. and get discount

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to SlowDragon

Good to know thank you I was just about too pay for another test there 🙂 good timing for that email too pop up hehe xxx thank you

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to KIM82

Don’t test again until worked on improving low vitamin levels

Aiming for vitamin D at least around 80nmol and around 100nmol maybe better

It will take 2-4 months to improve low vitamin D and low folate

KIM82 profile image
KIM82 in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you slow dragon 🤞 I’ll keep yas posted .

Can’t thank you all enough for being there for me

All the best keep safe x

KIM82 profile image

Cheers for that Tatty I’ll use them next time 😘 xxx

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