My Thyroid Story Part II : Dr OPQ, GP/homeopath... - Thyroid UK

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My Thyroid Story Part II

greygoose profile image
48 Replies

Dr OPQ, GP/homeopath

So, after lengthy chats with one of my students, who was a great fan of homeopathy, I thought I’d give that a go. Not much choice of doctors where I live, but managed to find one that also did acupuncture, which was a bonus. To his credit, he did say straight up that he didn’t know much about thyroid, but I said that was OK, because I did (a little jumping the gun, there!) and if he would just do the blood tests and write the prescriptions, I’d sort out the rest. As I was still taking Euthyral, he seemed agreeable to prescribe that. I let him try a little homeopathy on me, which did nothing to help – not that I thought it would but, you never know. And the acupuncture was soothing. But, he started each appointment with the asking the same apparently inane questions such as: how many pillows do you sleep with? I still can’t see the point of that. And when I asked about adrenal testing, he seemed to go into a sort of trance, and sat there frowning and whispering to himself. “Adrenals… adrenals… adrenals…” As if he was trying to remember where he'd left them. And he wanted me to take iodine and consume soy – because ‘it’s good for you’ – and prescribe lithium ‘to calm you down’ (I was a walking cabbage at that point, couldn’t get much calmer)! I declined them all. But, as agreed, he wrote the prescriptions, and I set the dose. And we jogged along nicely for a while, until…

Showdown time: I came to the conclusions that the T4:T3 ratio wasn’t right for me, so asked him to prescribed some T3 only so that I could reduce the Euthyral to one pill a day and add in some T3, thus reducing that huge amount of T4 I was ingesting. He refused to do that on the grounds that he didn’t know what T3 was, and it might be ‘dangerous’. I said that it was what I was already taking but I needed a higher dose. But, he wasn’t having it. He said, “Let’s be clear about what we’re doing here. We’re trying to kick-start your thyroid.” I laughed and said, “Well, I hope you’re good at raising the dead, because my thyroid has been dead for some years!” But, he didn’t understand that and we argued back and forth for a bit until I finally slammed out, saying that I was off to find someone that actually knew what a thyroid was, because he didn’t even seem to know that. And, I had a higher goal in life.

Dr RST, GP/Anti-Aging doctor/Hertoghe doctor

I’d read about Dr RST on a couple of French forums, a very expensive doctor in Paris who ‘knew about hormones’. I determined I would get to see him one day. And, this had to be the day, because I didn’t have a doctor anymore. It was a bit like getting into a secrete sect because you had to ring him, knowing he never answered his phone, and wait for him to get back to you. He would then send you a 40 page questionnaire which you filled in and took with you to your first appointment. Which I duly did. That first appointment was very thorough and lasted two hours. The instant I walked through the door, he said, “Madame, your thyroid is dead and your adrenals are about to follow. He asked for labs to be done, a list as long as your arm, and, I finally got my prescription for Armour!

I saw him quite a few times, and it cost me an arm and a leg! But, I finally found out about the adrenals! Something no other doctor had been able to tell me. My cortisol was very, very low, and he prescribed HydroCortisol. Which made me feel wonderful for a while. And, I did quite well on Armour, too. I also learnt about pituitary hormones and my Human Growth Hormone was very low, and he prescribed that for me, too. But, the downside was that I could get neither Armour nor HGH in France. I was able to fax my prescription for Armour to a pharmacy somewhere in Belgium, and they would send it to me by post – it still hadn’t been banned in France at that point. But, for the HGH, I had to drive to Brussels myself four times a year to buy it, because it has to be kept permanently refrigerated – I used to take a freezer bag with me to keep it cold. And, the result of all that was that I felt quite good for a while.

Showdown time: I started to feel not so good on Armour, but Dr RST insisted that it was the only way to go, and that I should give it time. I got up to 6 grains a day, but, as with the Euthyral, I think there wasn’t enough T3 in it, and far too much T4. And, then he wanted me to take iodine. I said I wouldn’t, because I’d already done that when some ignorant country quack had prescribed it for me without doing any labs, or examining me and not even asking any questions. And it had made me much, much worse. We argued, and I compromised: give me a test for iodine and if it’s low I’ll consider it. The result came back that my iodine was sky-high. And, I never heard from Dr RST again. He didn’t reply to my emails and didn’t return my calls. So, I couldn’t get an appointment nor any of my prescriptions after that.


So, I was on my own with it all again. And, frankly, sick of doctors. I’d heard of people self-treating, so why not. I thought I’d give it a try. Through various forums, I managed to get links to sites where I could buy Thai NDT and set about finding one that suited me. But, there was no way I could get HGH anymore. As far as I could make out, there are only three countries that manufacture it: China, Mexico and Belgium. I couldn’t find out any details about Mexican HGH. I did know somebody who knew somebody, but he refused to talk to me. I don’t know why. But did get a link to the Chinese site. I could have bought that and had it shipped to me because it came in power form and you make it up with sterile water to inject. But, the first time I tried to buy it, I got thrown off the site and banned for life! And, I don’t know why! Probably something I said, because I don’t speak Chinese. Oh, well… I’d have to do without.

I wasn’t doing well at all on the Thai NDT, and didn’t know why that was happening, either. So many mysteries. Although I’d lost a little weight with the Euthyral, I was now putting it all back on, and then some. And, by the time I was 65, I was more or less a bed-bound whale. I did some reading on a site-that-shall-be-nameless, and got interested in rT3. So, it blocks the T3 receptors, does it? Oh, ho! We’ll, see about that!

On the STSBN site, it said that the ‘cure’ was twelve weeks on a high dose of T3 only. So, now, I had to find a source of T3. I took a dose of 150 mcg daily. And, began to feel better on it. I stuck to that for 12 weeks, and then went back to NDT. And, slid rapidly back to where I’d been before. The brain-fog was very bad, but it seemed to me that I’d probably not been on T3 only long enough to get rid of all the rT3 – or maybe I just hadn’t been on enough T3… Difficult to know. But, I went back onto 150 mcg T3 only, and slowly titrated up to 200. And, then, the brain-fog cleared! And, I could think. And, I thought, what if it hadn’t been an rT3 problem after all? What if it had been a T4 problem all that time? Had I just been getting too much T4 and not enough T3? And, what if I was better off without any T4 at all? And, that’s how I decided to go T3 only, and lived happily ever after for a couple of years, until disaster struck!

And, more about that tomorrow in My Thyroid Story Part III

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greygoose profile image
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48 Replies
jamjar67 profile image

Oh nooo... just as light was appearing at the end of the tunnel !!.... cliff hanger 😱

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to jamjar67


groovylady2017 profile image
groovylady2017 in reply to jamjar67

Agreed 😂

jsy_girl profile image

Very interesting thank you for sharing although somewhat disturbing that it might not be ever possible to just find out the right dose. It keeps moving!

I’ve just started seeing a functional doctor who insists I use seaweed sprinkles for the iodine. (I am hypo, prev hyper post RAI from graves). I am very unsure.

I am reading Dr Barry Durrant peatfields book but that didn’t offer any clarity around it either. How do you know if you need more iodine, is it a blood test?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to jsy_girl

If you don't have a functioning thyroid, why on earth would you need extra iodine? This doctor has no idea what he's doing. Be very careful!

You'll be getting extra iodine from the thyroid hormone replacement you're taking, anyway. 100 mcg T4 (levo) contains about 68 mcg iodine, but functional doctors - and certain others - seem to think it's some magic ingredient that makes the whole problem go away. It doesn't. Iodine is just one of the ingredients of thyroid hormone.

In general, functional doctors tend to know even less about thyroid than ordinary doctors, and have some very strange ideas.

jsy_girl profile image
jsy_girl in reply to greygoose

Yes I wasn’t sure - is iodine something that would only be used by the thyroid gland? Nothing to do with T4 to T3 conversion?

Hmmm very worrying then. I want to get my gut tested so might use her for this and then go elsewhere.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to jsy_girl

Just edited my previous reply to you. See above.

I'm not convinced that other parts of the body need iodine. It's a contraversial subject. But it certainly has nothing to do with T4 to T3 conversion.

I'll elaborate on that. lol One molecule of T4 contains 4 atoms of iodine. During conversion to T3, one of those atoms of iodine is removed. Hence the names T4 and T3. But, taking iodine does not improve conversion. However, I think a lot of doctors get very confused about exactly what iodine does and is.

jsy_girl profile image
jsy_girl in reply to greygoose

Yes ok thank you. I did explain to her that T4 has 4 (molecules?) of iodine and in conversion that drops to 3 so actually releases one. She said she would normally tell people to have it every day but for me just a sprinkle a couple of times a week. Not sure what harm it would do but I agree I thought it was odd and did perturb me after years of feeling like iodine was the enemy when I was overactive.


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to jsy_girl

4 atoms of iodine per molecule of T4. Isn't it sad when the patient has to explain the workings of the body to the doctor!!!

My opinion is that iodine is not something to play around with. I wouldn't just assume it can't do any harm, if I were you.

But, iodine is not the enemy when you're hyper. In excess, it is antithyroid and used to be used to treat Graves in the days before antithyroid drugs were invented. But, it is very often the enemy for hypos!

jsy_girl profile image
jsy_girl in reply to greygoose

Ah yes that’s the one. Atoms. I did chemistry at school I promise. Haha.

I think with a thyroid problem, that is basically your destiny, explaining things to doctors forever more.

The problem is for the less savvy this is not something they feel able or willing to do and so get lost / let down by the system.

Ok yeah I’ll avoid the seaweed. I feel very demotivated now about whether to trust her about anything else.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to jsy_girl

I understand your dilema. And, I'm sorry to have disillusioned you. But, better safe than sorry. However, you do have the option of checking on everything she tells you by posting on this site. :)

jsy_girl profile image
jsy_girl in reply to greygoose

Very true. She suggested stopping iron tablets too and just going down the food source route but I posted about that and was questioned why not do both?

I went back to her and said I’d feel more comfortable about doing both and she was fine with that so I guess that’s not a bad outcome really. Haha.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to jsy_girl

Perhaps. But, she ought to know about the difficulties hypos have with absorbing nutrients.

jsy_girl profile image
jsy_girl in reply to greygoose

As in, if she knew that why wouldn’t she want to maximise iron through both routes? Okay yes I agree. Eurgh so frustrating. As I said I might just use to get the gut testing done. I think once my vitamins and iron are in right place I’m going to seek help from a T3 friendly Endo.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to jsy_girl

Sounds like a plan. :)

Blackpanther46 profile image
Blackpanther46 in reply to greygoose

Hi Greygoose Thanks for sharing part 2 what an epic journey ! I’m confused though as I’m taking lugols iodine as I read it was good for thyroid in Dr P book .

Have I got that wrong? So can I clarify then that it’s not a good idea to take it and iodine is already in thyroid meds . Does that include the NDT and the glandulars have iodine aswell? Can’t wait for part three

Hennerton profile image

This all sounds like a worse version of what I suffered after TT with an endocrinologist who knew nothing. You are incredible in managing all those trips to see these so called experts. I thought I was doing well when I tracked down Dr. Skinner in Birmingham. Can’t wait for the next instalment.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Hennerton

Thank you. :)

Eliize profile image

What a reads like a thriller. It really makes me sad and so dat many women not receive the right therapie. At work as an assistent to a gp i see many women struggeling with symptoms and although the gp is openminded there is no standerd treatment (besides levo)

Endocrinologists are even the worst en not helping at all. (based on data i have to process)

Although its not done to go against te gp's treatment plan i will give alternative info if i get the chance ha!

Hennerton profile image

I should add that Dr Skinner was a gem and sadly missed by all who knew him.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Hennerton

I never had the good luck to meet him. But, judging by comments on here, he was dearly loved.

Thyroid17 profile image
Thyroid17 in reply to Hennerton

I did have the pleasure of meeting him and it is accurate to say I owe my life to him, he is sadly missed.

Hennerton profile image
Hennerton in reply to Thyroid17

Yes, a wonderful, quirky man, who handed out chocolates as we waited for our appointments.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Hennerton

How sweet! The only thing a doctor has ever given me is the cold shoulder!

groovylady2017 profile image
groovylady2017 in reply to Hennerton

Where is this Dr Skinner located? Would travel to Europe once I can!! My endo here in Los Angeles, Dr John Murdoch (Loma Linda) was an incredibly smart dr but has since retired.

Hennerton profile image
Hennerton in reply to groovylady2017

I am afraid he died of a stroke in 2013. I think that is the right year but time goes so quickly.

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to Thyroid17

it's a shame there is no one who could pick up his mantle and continue to help sufferers in a similar way.

Thyroid17 profile image
Thyroid17 in reply to Redlester

Agreed, he helped so many. Doctors oath says 'do no harm'. Sadly harm is done not by their actions but harm is done by their inactions and unwillingness to go against the grain and advocate for their patients.

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to Thyroid17

Couldn't agree more Thyroid17 - very well put - tbh I'm not even sure to what extent primum nocere ever even crosses their minds these days in either a positive or negative fashion considering they seem to be completely in thrall to pharma.

cazmania7 profile image

Thanks for the instalment! How very brave of you to take meds in that way.

When I start anything new it’s with a mix of fear and desperation. I’m still brainwashed in thinking that the drs know best and this site proves time again and that often they don’t.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to cazmania7

Certainly not where thyroid is concerned they don't!

Cavapoochonowner profile image

What a long slog you've had.And more to come.You have my admiration.I'll wait on tenterhooks for the next installment.

Hillwoman profile image

So disappointing to read about the antics of your Hertoghe-trained doctor, who seems to have had his head wedged firmly in his fundament. Medics the world over appear to have a poor grasp of what constitutes ethical behaviour. 😞

SilverAvocado profile image

I found the bit about Dr RST interesting. It chimes with my experience, and makes me feel a bit more reassured about that point.

Private doctors can sound so amazing in the first meeting, and at the beginning of everything. But I think that is the easy bit for them. It gets more difficult as more and more results come back or the first thing they try doesn't work, because that's when decisions have to be made.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to SilverAvocado

I think you're so right! Yes.

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to SilverAvocado

very well put - my experience too with so many people touted as "miracle workers"

Peanut31 profile image

Hi greygoose

Thank you for providing us all with your thyroid story.

You have helped me no end on my thyroid journey, and, I am now finally at a place where I feel well.

Your sense of humour and straight talking always makes me smile. Long may it continue.

Take care & best wishes


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Peanut31

Thank you, Peanut, you're very kind. :)

groovylady2017 profile image

Omg...some of us must go this same route out of desperation! Incredible journey so far Grey Goose and look forward to hearing this in its entirety!! Thank you for posting. Happy Holidays from Los Angeles, CA. 🙏🏽😍

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to groovylady2017

You're welcome! :) Merry Christmas!

madge1979 profile image

Oh Greygoose🐦. What an Inspiration you are .. your tireless efforts to become well are incredible! and your kindness and generosity of sharing with other sufferers is what makes you so special .. to us All. Thank you Luv Mx🌹

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to madge1979

Thank you, madge. What a nice thing to say. :)

Shield-Maiden profile image

Hi GreyGoose,

Have you considered writing a book?!

You could help so many people...and if some doctor's read your book, they can learn something! which might in turn, help us x

Going to read the third chapter now ♡

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Shield-Maiden

A book about thyroid? No. It's not long enough, in the essential details, to constitute a whole book. It's only about six pages! lol And, I don't see that I could pad it out to be any longer. But, even if I could, I don't think it would be likely to infulence any doctors. They would probably just feel sorry for the doctors I'm writing about, and thank god I didn't happen to them! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden in reply to greygoose


You're in the right place then GreyGoose, to help member's like, from all of us,

Thank you for all that you do.

Have a happy, and safe, festive season x

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Shield-Maiden

You're welcome. :) And thank you for your kind words.

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden in reply to greygoose

💗 🌻

Redlester profile image

GG I cannot believe what you had to go through just to get Armour!!! And the way the doctors seem to regard T3 ["dangerous"???? ] just beggars belief. Your description of your T3 dosing gives me a lot of hope. I am still only on 62.5mcg so there is clearly a lot of scope to go upwards (appropriately done of course) in which case maybe in time my brain fog and other troubling symptoms might improve. I too had acupuncture in the hope that it might help before finally realising what was wrong with me was thyroid. The acupuncturist also pressured me to eat soy - thank good ness I didn't!! would have made things so much worse and it is now my life's mission to avoid it. At the end of a year of acupuncture treatments - at times twice weekly at his insistence - I was no further forward and he told me that in his opinion I had "eating disorder" (he was Chinese) but he could continue to practise acupuncture on me even though it clearly wasn't helping. Thank you for all the wise advice you give to us all - long may it continue. I'm off to track down part III.

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