I have finally seen a Consultant after a year of failed appointments etc. As I am in my late seventies I saw a Gerontologist (don't know if this is right) and what it boils down to is my taking of NDT . The elephant in the room . I have a tremor and don't sleep because of you guessed it . My NDT . I have gradually lost weight from being given RAI treatment for overactive thyroid.I have lost weight through first Levo. Then Levo and T3 and finally NDT. Which one gets the blame NDT..Don't get me wrong I have all sorts of tests but they all blame my Natural Thyroid even though my results are always in range apart of course for the TSH. I'm sorry I've wandered from the point . The Consultant prescribed Dulexetone as a cure for my ills and the first one on Saturday night produced volcanic diahorrea the likes of which I have never seen and dry painful wretching from my stomach. It does say possibility of t his among a mountain of side effects but surely not to this extreme . Sorry for wandering but I don't want to touch another tablet . Any experience anyone ?TIA Pp
Duloxetine . Side effects ? : I have finally... - Thyroid UK
Duloxetine . Side effects ?

I wouldn't take duloxetine if you paid me. It has another name - Cymbalta.
It is known to be one of the worst anti-depressants for getting off of because of extremely severe withdrawal effects. And some of the side effects of this depression drug are, believe it or not, depression and completed suicide or suicidal ideation.
You might find this forum of some interest :
Instead of trying anti-depressants your best option is to find out if you are adequately dosed with your NDT and if your nutrient levels are optimal as well.
It is a known issue for patients that doctors will often under-medicate older patients because they think that they have less need for thyroid hormones. This nonsense came about as the result of some extremely poor research.
The first thing you need to do is ask your surgery (or whoever does your testing) to give you access to your medical records and blood test results online, or ask for paper copies. You don't need to see a doctor, you should ask the receptionists. You will have to supply proof of identity.
Once you have some results you should copy the results and reference ranges into a new post. We are interested in any results that are thyroid-related and also those related to nutrients - but don't be surprised if they have not been tested :
Free T4
Free T3
TPO Antibodies
Tg Antibodies
Vitamin B12
Vitamin D
and Iron if it has been tested
Given your age, I'm guessing that you might be taking other drugs such as those for high blood pressure, statins, diuretics, diabetes drugs plus possibly others. Those drugs could be giving you side effects too, so I'm wondering why your doctors have picked on your thyroid drugs as being the cause of your problems. If you could tell us what other drugs you take it might be helpful.
humanbean thanks. If you can read my reply to Scrumbler. I am having bloods test on Thursday and will post as many results as I can . My husband was going to suggest 'just trying another one) he wasn't the one cleaning up the bathroom at two in the morning ! Thank you so much Pp
It doesn't look as if your reply to Scrumbler survived for some reason. I can't see it.
You should give your husband the Patient Information Leaflet that comes with the drugs and ask him to read it.
Will do and try to remember to press reply 😯
I've taken low doses of duloxetine for pain in the past, I don't think I had the runs, but I remember feeling incredibly queasy and really quite tired. I remember speaking to my doctor about how I was getting on and saying the only positive was that I had lost weight, because I was too queasy/sleepy to eat much.
The side effects took maybe 3-6 weeks to settle down, but as your reaction is perhaps more pressing, I'd understand you not wanting to take it long term! In your shoes, I think I'd try taking 1 or two more doses, then giving up.
Scrumbler I have a tremor and my Physio contacted GP. Hence I have waited a long time to see a Consultant who says not Parkinson's but tremor. Hence Dulexotine which she says will have an effect . I have Osteoporosis and take meds for high blood pressure. Because I have a problem with peeing all night , she says it will help this. In fact it's the Holy Grail according to her Pp
A mistake I sometimes make, after spending ages writing a reply, is to click on the 'Cancel' button instead of 'Reply'. Why do they have to be so close together???
I just wondered that gg when I hopefully sent another post to Scumbler. Maybe I have fat fingers?
Personally, I think it's disgusting the way they dish out antidepressants as if they are the elixia of life! I don't think they do it because they think the AD is going to help, but because they have no idea what else to do! Here, take this, shut up and go away! Well, I wouldn't touch any of them with a barge pole! Especially as you're not even depressed.
Oh goosey, you're a breath of fresh air. I didn't know they were antidepressants. and gagging through mask had me claustrophobic. One was enough for me
Take care Pp
Ahhhh always read the labels - and the PIL - before taking.
Yes, it must be horrible having to wear a mask when trying to talk about difficult things like one's health. I can understand you just wanted to get out of their as fast as possible.
Is it racist to say that she was Chinese and masked, and me masked and deaf as a post. As they say What could possibly go wrong! 🙄
Oh, I do so understand! No, it's not racist. We all have accents, even if we don't recognise our own. I've just got a new neighbour, he's African. Lovely chap, but I can't understand much he says - and he can't understand me! lol We're both trying to speak French - as we live in France - he with his African accent and me with my - very strong - English accent, And I'm pretty deaf, too! And we shout at each other from a social distance, and to any bystander the conversation must be hilarious! An awful lot of 'what?'s and 'sorry?'s. If we had to add masks to that mixture, well, it really wouldn't be worth the bother. So, I do understand what it must have been like.
Duloxetine isn't typically used as an antidepressant these days. Like amytriptyline, it was originally used as an antidepressant, but they realised it helped chronic pain sufferers and so they started to use it off-label. These days the two are generally only used in lower doses for pain management, as better antidepressants have been developed.
It might not typically be used as antidepressant but it is one
Imagenhs.uk › medicines › d...
Web results
Duloxetine: medicine to treat depression, anxiety, nerve ...
About duloxetine. Duloxetine is an antidepressant medicine. It's used to treat depression and anxiety. It's also used to treat nerve pain, such as fibromyalgia, and can be used to treat stress urinary incontinence in women. Duloxetine comes as capsules and is only available on prescription.
I realise it has other uses but we do need to be aware of it being anti depressant and tread with caution !!
The doses are often very different though: I can't recall the dose of duloxetine I was on, but amytrityline is another common antidepressant that's only really used for pain these days. Antidepressant doses would be 300-600mcg, pain doses are 10mcg-25mcg.
The other thing to remember is that if it is given for pain, your doctor hasn't simply dismissed you as a depressed person whose issues are "all in the head", which I know is the main complaint of many under-treated thyroid sufferers.
Sometimes with reason patients say that !!
I have never had to challenge a Dr . Re them implying it’s in my head but I know it happens a lot
Mostew, for me it happened eight years ago when I was diagnosed with thyroid problems. Fortunately the Endo saw me after taking it for a few days and told me to ditch it. Radioactive iodine followed which I believe was the start of all my problems. Pp
It’s horrible being at the mercy of unwise prescribing and tiring trying to keep well enough informed !!
At last Scumbler. As greygoose suggested maybe I hit the cancel button by mistake. I'm so grateful for your info and find it terribly scary. When you're self medicating you're the Black sheep as far as medics go. I buy my own tests because the Gp deigns to allow me one every six months. I have a blood test on Thursday so will pass on results. Thanks again. Pp
Will see what thyroid bloods say on Thursday and take it it from there. You have given me a lot to think about 🤔 Pp
Been reading some of your posts. Thought I was going mad till I saw that you had a break. I'm hoping you can see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Did you make the change from NDT? Pp
Sorry I thought your come back date was June 2020. Because I know that I'd read earlier posts.My mistake. Hope you get sorted soon. Pp
Hi scrumbler♥️
Sorry for the intrusion but I was interested in your experience and pinkpeonys with duloxetine I've been on this tablet since 2016 after being admitted to hospital with rectal bleeding and very loose bowels, before that I was on codeine I'd been on this since 2005 after my diagnosis of ME/fibromyalgia. The gastro consultant in 2016 took me off codeine saying I should not have been on it for so long.. To be quite honest I find my pain is no better I take it in conjunction with paracetamol I'm thinking of coming of it has I feel its not doing much for me I also have ostio and calcification of both wrists, knees and ankles I know it's awful coming off it as I could not take it when I was ill with hyperthyroidism eventually having my thyroid removed in May last year.. the withdrawal is awful and I'm not looking forward to it.. I just want a table for pain not depression 😩
I doesn’t everyone’s reaction differ . Some people more sensitive to smaller dose ?
I wasn't meaning it so much like that, but I've seen many on here being told the fact they're still exhausted, brain fogged, struggling with weight etc, is because they're actually depressed and should be taking antidepressants not because they need a dose increase.
In my dealings with the pain clinic, they were very clear that they didn't think pain was caused by depression, even though there is a link between pain and depression (usually because of the isolation pain caused). There can be "wires crossed" in the head however, and if that is the cause of your pain, antidepressant based painkillers can help.
Hi Scrumbler, I was diagnosed with Gastritis and Diverticulitis a few years ago and Omeprazole was prescribed. The pain was awful and exactly like the Duloxetine pain I got. I don't take any ppi. Any reason you ask? Pp
That is so true. When I reported to the gp that I wasn't going to take any more, a delivery of Pregbalin arrived from the Pharmacy. I'm not going to take that either. I have enough problems to be going on with 🙄