Can you please help me interpret my test results - Thyroid UK

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Can you please help me interpret my test results

Ajg85 profile image
10 Replies

Hi... I am new to this forum. Just got my blood work results and have never taken the thyroid function tests before so would appreciate if you could help me with the results to see if they're normal or not. I don't take any medication just magnesium and B6 vitamin supplements

TSH - 2.66 ( range 0.3 - 3.0 micIU/mL)

Free T4 - 18.59 (11 - 18 pmol/L)

I'm a bit worried about the T4 as it seems slightly out of the lab normal range.

Thanks in advance :)

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10 Replies
greygoose profile image

Your FT4 is slightly out of range, yes. But, not enough to mean anything much. What is more worrying is your TSH, which is too high to be euthyroid (normal), even though it is in-range.

Unfortunately, the most important number is missing: the FT3. If only doctors understood how important it is to test that, and how the three results should be interpreted in conjunction with each other. But, at a guess, I would say that your FT3 is probably low, and that is why your TSH is slightly raised.

I see that you are also on the Anxiety Support forum. Anxiety is one of the main symptoms of hypothyroidism, so I guess that's why you had your thyroid tested. And, you were right to do so. Your thyroid is struggling, by the look of it. But not yet quite hypo. But it's difficult to say much more without the FT3 result and antibody testing. Although I would say that symptoms can make themselves felt long before abnormalities show up in blood tests.

As this is your first test, I would suggest that you get another one done in a few months to see how things are evolving. Whatever you do, don't give up on your thyroid, keep testing it. :)

It might also be a good idea to get your nutrients tested, too: vit D, vit B12, folate, ferritin. Nutritional deficiencies can manifest as hypo-like symptoms.

Why are you taking magnesium and B6?

Ajg85 profile image
Ajg85 in reply to greygoose

Hi ... thanks so much for your comprehensive reply. Yes, you’re right I suffer from anxiety and its what made me get the tests done as was getting frequent heart palpitations which freaked me out. Got minerals nd b vitamins tested a few months ago and all was in normal ranges. Was suspecting hyperthyroidism due to heart palps, am quite thin nd lately been feeling too hot but definitely the tsh results don’t seem to point to that. Will wait a few months nd get retested

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ajg85

Palps can also be a hypothyroid symptom - as can losing weight and heat intolerance. The problem is, we cannot divide symptoms rigidly into hyper and hypo, because so many of them can be both.

Got minerals nd b vitamins tested a few months ago and all was in normal ranges.

That doesn't mean a thing. The ranges are unrealistically wide. So, if I were you, I would post the results - with the ranges - on here, and let people have a look and advise. :)

Ajg85 profile image
Ajg85 in reply to greygoose

Here is vitamins nd minerals :)

Potassium 4.7 mmol (range 3.5 to 5.1)

Sodium 140mmol (range 136 to 145)

Chloride 99.5 ( range 98 to 105 mmol)

Magnesium 0.87 mmol ( range 0.65 to 1.05)

Creatinine 76 umol/l (range 45 to 84)

Vit B12 272 pmol ( range 156 to 672)

Folate 10.63 nmol ( range 12.2 to 54) this was slightly low but doc said nothing to worry about since b12 was fine

Feratin 63 ng/ml ( range 10 to 291 )

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ajg85

Vit B12 272 pmol ( range 156 to 672)

That is much, much too low. It needs to be at least over 550. The Japanese don't even start their range until 500.

Folate 10.63 nmol ( range 12.2 to 54) this was slightly low but doc said nothing to worry about since b12 was fine

It's actually very, very low, as well.

I'm tempted to comment on what an idiot your doctor is, but to be fair, they don't learn anything about nutrients in med school. So, he has no idea what he's talking about.

In your place I would take sublingual methylcobalamin (B12) daily, and a daily B complex to balance the Bs and bring your folate up. Igennus do a good B complex, you can probably find it on Amazon.

Magnesium 0.87 mmol ( range 0.65 to 1.05)

No point in testing magnesium due to the way the body handles it. Even a good result doesn't mean you're not deficient - and most people are because soils are depleted. I'd keep on taking it, if I were you. But, if you're taking a B complex, I'd get a magnesium without B6. You'll get enough B6 in the b complex.

Feratin 63 ng/ml ( range 10 to 291 )

Also pretty low. But, before supplementing, get your serum iron tested.

You really do need your vit D tested, given the poor results of your other nutrients.

Ajg85 profile image
Ajg85 in reply to greygoose

Wow ... thanks for the advice. I did challenge my doc on the vitamin results but when someone has anxiety all symptoms are blamed on that and they tell you its all in your head

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ajg85

Oh, yes! They're very good at that! They like to gaslight their patients. It means they don't have to actually do any doctoring. lol

The best advice I can give anyone is never take advice on nutrition from a doctor. They have no idea how it works!

NWA6 profile image

Hi 👋 What made you take a thyroid test and who did it for you? GP? Private?

You’ve got a piece of the puzzle and it’s good that you’re thinking thyroid now you need to get a more thorough test.

TPOab and TGab antibodies







Active B12

Vit D

I’d go ahead and get them done if you can. Work on optimising Vits/minerals and then get retested in 6/8wks. HTH

Ajg85 profile image
Ajg85 in reply to NWA6

Hi ... thanks for your reply. Reason I got the tests were heart palpitations but I suffer from anxiety so GP just wanted to put my mind at rest. All other tests including vitamins nd minerals are normal only the free t4 came slightly out of range

NWA6 profile image
NWA6 in reply to Ajg85

As GreyGoose says, your results are not ‘normal’ You need more thorough testing to find a reason or way forward. If you can afford it use Medichecks or similar as o doubt your GP will be interested in anymore testing because of your ‘normal’ results.

If you want to get rid of your anxiety you’ll have to help yourself.

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