Hi everyone! I'm hoping some of you can help me understand my blood test results. They've *finally* found the test results I had done way back in October! (lost between one consultant retiring and another taking over)
The consultant's secretary phoned me today. At first, she would only say "all the results are normal" but then, after I pointed out to her that a patient was entitled to know their results nowadays, she spoke to the consultant and came back and told me my results (and ranges), which I explain below.
First, please note that I'm undiagnosed but have all the symptoms of Hashimoto's (hypo). I currently have diagnoses of ME/chronic fatigue (made as long ago as 1999) and fibromyalgia (about 7 or 8 years ago when I got that diagnosis). My TSH test - which is the only one I've had done previously - has always come back "normal" (though I've never known what the figure is), so no further tests have been done. Now, I've had some more tests (but not the full range) as follows:
Thyroid Function (TSH) 0.87 (0.34 - 5.6)
Free T4 10.7 (7.5 - 21.1)
Both of these, though within the range, seem to be towards the lower end. Does this mean I'm slightly lacking in these things, or what does it mean exactly?
I've also got:
TPO (I think this is the antibodies thing?) - less than 10
The secretary said there was no figure for this. But it strikes me that both 9.9 and 0.1 are less than 10 - but there's quite a difference between them! Should there be a figure (and a range) for this test?
Now that these three tests have come back within the normal range, I do fear that my GP (who I'm seeing next Monday) will say everything's fine so there's no need for any more tests, and that she won't then be willing to refer me to an endo (the consultant I saw who ordered these blood tests was in general surgery - not an endo). So, I'd like to be as knowledgable as I possibly can about what these figures mean before I see her.
Hope someone can help. Many thanks!