Need some advice please - nodules and iron and ... - Thyroid UK

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Need some advice please - nodules and iron and b12 status

Irishjen profile image
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Hello Everyone, hoping someone can help me with a few questions and apologies in advance for the long post. you will notice i have attached some bloods and also written results from a different test in this message.

Over the past 6 weeks or so i've been feeling extremely fatigued, had a breathlessness that feels like i cant get a good deep breath along with some headaches, light head and a general feeling of weakness, even a walk had my heart thumping and a weakness and then felt wiped out and pale for a day or 2. i also noticed i wasn't digesting my food so something going on there with possibly low stomach acid. Prior to this i had felt amazing, had really ramped up my weight training for the past 10-12 weeks and strong as an ox. I have a fitness instructor who i have been working with via zoom, and on the last workout about 6 weeks ago i woke up the next day absolutely wiped out and spent most of the weekend in and out of bed. I put it down to my thyroid and thought i had just done too much. i then noticed i looked very pale, like a strong heart beat in my head, very pale eyes, nails, tongue etc and then i took my period and that completely wiped me again so i though ahh maybe i'm low in iron. i do normally take some floradix with iron and b12 because at that time of the month i do tend to get a little light headed and pale but nothing ever like this.

started taking a stronger iron supplement and b12 and started to feel perkier. I also booked an appointment with my endo to get bloods checked and i also told him i had been exercising and thought my exercise was using up too much thyroid hormone, i did point out about the food not digesting and also that 1 of the large nodules i had seemed much bigger and feels like its starting to tuck down behind my collar bone. He took bloods and i got an ultrasound and yes the nodule has grown in size from 18 months previously so i will likely have to get a fna and also some other type of scan to see if this nodule is pressing on my windpipe. this is exactly what happened to my sister who had half of her thyroid out last year.

prior to visiting my endo a few weeks back i took my own bloods through medichecks and took the results with me to show to endo. I have written my medichecks results below and also attached some and you can see thyroid is not bad. May i add i am on a very low dose levo of 25 as a little thyroid support because my bloods have never been bad but my endo is focusing more on symptoms & the nodules which he knows seem to get bigger when i exert myself, He has a agreed to an increase to 25/50 every other day for 3 months to see how i get on.

results from medichecks prior to visiting endo are below. note i have had this test at home from last year and never used it so when i posted to medichecks a few weeks back they emailed me to say this test is old so results could be slightly skewed. i just thought yeah yeah thats just a sales ploy but note the difference in the ferritin with this test and test i've attached which my endo took.

medichecks test

tsh 0.163 - range 0.27 to 4.2

free t3 5.18 - range 3.1-6.8

ft4 17.4 - rage 12-22

ferritin 120 ug/l - range 13-150

folute serum 15.49 ug/l - range just says >3.89

active b12 - 135ug/l - range >37.5

thyroglobulin anti bod - 11.2 kiu/l

peroxidase anti bod <9

crp hs 1.51

vit D 74.8 range 50-175 - note this needs improved

endos results below plus the test attached.

hcb 131 g/l - range 115-165

hct 0.39 l/l - range 0.37-0.47

wbc 8.5 range 4-10

plt 377 - range 150- 450

rbc 4.0 range 3.8 - 5.2

mcv - 94 range 76-100

mchc 334 range 320-360

mch 31 range 27-32

lymph 2.5 range 1.0-3.5

neut 5.3 range 2-7.5

mono 0.6 range 0.2-0.8

eosin 0.05 range 0.04 - 0.4

baso 0.03 - range 0.01 - 0.1

Im now not convinced these problems ive had for about 6 weeks is thyroid because i notice from taking a sublingual dose of iron and b12 i feel better, now that could also be the slight increase in levo but my paleness has left me, i have colour in my eyelids, nails etc and just look and generally feel better.

in regards to the vit b test, i have been taking vit b prior to testing and i've been told you need to stop 4 months prior to testing to get the right result.

in regards to the iron, my saturation is 19% and i've read ideally it needs to be 25-35% - is my result of 19% optimal ?

my serum iron is 11. range is 6-35. - are these numbers optimal ?

one of my main questions are can thyroid nodules that are growing cause my symptoms.

would increasing my serum iron and getting my saturation up abit be the answer to the paleness, weakness, tiredness, breathless etc. do i possibly have low stomach acid hence the not digesting food and therefore maybe causing a slight issue in the guy regarding absorbing supplements, does activity, weight, muscle mass etc come into the picture ? i weight train, weigh a few stone heavier than i look., does more muscle mass need more iron/b12/ thyroid hormone ?

by the way, i am feeling so much better than i did a few weeks back. still a way to go but getting there.

thanks in advance and again sorry for the extremely long post and hope it makes sense.

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