My latest blood test results show that I am slightly anaemic. Since my thyroxin was drastically reduced a number of years ago, I have had trouble getting my iron levels right. My GP refuses to increase my thyroxin dosage, but is now referring me to a haematologist.
A full blood count I had recently included these results:
Haemoglobin estimation. 127 g/L (135-180)
Red blood cell (RBC) count 3.87 10*12/L (4.20-5.70)
Haematocrit. 0.38 L/L. (0.40-0.54)
Serum albumin 46 g/L (34 - 51)
Serum total protein 78 g/L. (60 - 80)
Total PSA level 2.8ug/L
My latest THS 1.65 mIU/L. (0.30 – 4.50)
Serum free T4 level 20.5pmo1/L. (10.0 – 22.0)
Could this be a consequence of inadequate treatment for an under active thyroid?
I would be most grateful for help in interpreting these results.