I’m almost half way through my second pregnancy and because my mum was concerned about certain symptoms, which I’ve always had and certain blood test results from a few years ago, being less than optimal, she suggested I get re-tested. This I did and here they are. For some reason I could only upload one photo, so two A4s have been squished into one. Hope you can see it.
Symptoms (all before pregnancies):
Weight gain
Low BP
Cold extremities (most of the time)
Small amount of hair loss
Mood swings
And a few others
These are the rest of the numbers:
Thyroid peroxidase antibody 28iu/ml (0.0-60.0)
T3 4.6 pmol/L (3.5-6.5)
TSH 2.52 mU/L (0.35-5.5)
T4 14.1 pmol/L (10.5-21)
Folate 13..35 ug//L (>5.38)
B12 359.0 ng/L (211.0-911.0)
Ferritin 19.8 ug/L (10.0-291.0)
Vit D 74.5 nmol/L I supplement and because of being mixed race I’m happy for it to be even higher but 74.5, most clinicians would regard as sufficient.
I hope I’ve included everything you need to know to enable some insight into what my problem may/may not be.
Interestingly, my doctor hasn’t contacted me with any concerns and at my midwife appt last week, she said all was normal.
My mum says this is because they’re ignorant and rely too heavily on the fact the all are within normal range. I’m inclined to think she exaggerates. For instance, the Reynaud’s I’ve been diagnosed with she says, could simply be a matter of tweaking things and if I get my nutrient levels higher into the ranges my thyroid function could improve. She’s a member here herself and regards this forum highly
Obviously, I want the way I feel to improve and if it turns out my thyroid that’s causing some of this, then so be it, I’ll take appropriate action, therefore, your thoughts would be very helpful
Thank you