Hi everyone,
Just got my latest results back from Thriva. I've been feeling fine and my results I think are OK obviously they have marked up my TSH needs looking at (currently on 75mg levothyroxine), but the only other one I'm concerned with is my TPOAb which is still really high.
I've been strictly Gluten Free for more than 3 years now. I occasionally have dairy such as mozzarella on my pizza each week and a Crunchie bar a day. I have a sulfite allergy so my diet is pretty restricted as I'm pescatarian as well. I'm still working out the food allergy thing but do you think that's the reason my antibodies are high?
What can I do to reduce them further?
Ferritin 82 ug/l (13-44 normal) (44-150 optimal)
Folate 31.9nmol/L (8.83-40 normal) (40-60.8 optimal)
FT3 5.4 pmol/L (5-6.8 normal) (3.1 - 5 optimal)
TSH 0.03 miU/L (0.27-1 normal) (1-2.5 optimal)
TgAB kU/L 54.9 (0-115 normal)
TPOAb 129.9 kIU/L (34-200 high) (0-34 normal)
T4 116nmol/L (66-181 normal)
FT4 16.9 pmol/L (17-22 normal) (12-17 optimal)
Vitamin D 76 nmol/L (75 - 100 optimal) (100-175 normal)
Thanks for all your help.