I'm 21 and have not been well since I was 14 or 15, but a lot of my symptoms go back to when I was a kid. I've only recently found out it could be a thyroid problem, so I am new to all of this. I think its worth noting my mum occasionally has an enlarged thyroid that swells up and has the same fatigue and low body temperature as I do. Both of her brothers (my uncles) had diagnosed thyroid conditions (one underactive, other hypothyroid) but my mum hasnt been officially diagnosed
On a day to day, my symptoms are
- Fatigue, regardless of me sleeping ok
- very high anxiety
- A general sense of not feeling well or happy at all
- Cold hands and feet and just cold even if im in a warm place (i sometimes will warm up and feel warm for short periods of 20 mins or so then go back to being cold)
- I've had some hair loss on my legs
- Seborrheic dermatitis which isnt as bad as it use to be but still on and off
- Dont have a very high libido at all. I can go a week or two without feeling libido generally, or longer, but it does vary
- My mind is fuzzy a lot and I feel like my mind is else where. Like I just feel really distant
I have had a blood test done at the doctors and my T4 came back as 17.0 and my TSH was 3.2 which is classed as normal levels. I am at this point where people have messaged me and said, that you can be in the normal range and still have a problem with your thyroid. So I am going to get some Thyroid S and take it. I honestly dont have anything to lose at all. What dose should I start off with?