Im having a CT Scan with Contrast : Hi folks I’m... - Thyroid UK

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Im having a CT Scan with Contrast

Kazbe profile image
21 Replies

Hi folks I’m a little worried I’m having a CT scan with contrast in a few weeks to look at my abdomen stomach (hiatus hernia) gastritis and liver cysts all need checking but once a gastroenterologist said to me because I’m anaphylactic to shellfish / seafood I may be allergic to Iodine ? The contrast in the injection for the scan has iodine in it :( now I’m panicking incase I have an allergic reaction ? If I have the scan without contrast the pictures are not as clear ? Does anyone know whether i should have this was the gastroenterologist being over cautious to suggest that ?

Any advice would be much appreciated

Kazbe 🙂

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Kazbe profile image
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21 Replies

Hi Kazbe. They will tell you the scans won’t be as clear but that’s more for their convenience than yours.I was told by guy doing scanning that because I’d refused to have the contrast for my scan that it has been known for the radiologist to sit on the report because I was being uncooperative,I said to him you sound as if your actually threatening me so I will be advising my consultant haematologist of this conversation which I did.

It’s your decision at the end of the day but I’ve had a brain scan and 2 abdominal ct scans and they very clearly showed the issues I had so don’t be bullied into anything if you feel you have valid reasons for not having it.

I hope all goes well for you regardless.xx

Kazbe profile image
Kazbe in reply to

Thankyou Thrones

I will take that on board I just don’t like the idea of having an injection that could cause a serious reaction gives metallic taste in the mouth hot weird sensations and it is bad for the kidneys too I would imagine ? I’m sorry you had a bad experience from the radiologist that’s awful he should of been reassuring you when you’re feeling so anxious :(

thanks again for the advice

Take care

Kazbe xx

in reply to Kazbe

Hi kazbe it’s not nice when your already Ill and scared of what they might find ,all they want to do is get you to sign that piece of paper and that covers their arses when it all goes wrong.You stick to your guns there’s varied opinions on this subject,I just knew I’d have a reaction and I’d no intention of having the contrast but Dont prewarn them just turn up on the day and refuse it if you choose to.take care good luck x

Gr8Nica profile image

Althrough not allergic to iodine I had an adverse reaction to iodine based contrast. They had to stop the scan and administer some meds before another scan could be done. Overall the expierence wasn't pleasant. I'd avoid the contrast

Kazbe profile image
Kazbe in reply to Gr8Nica

Hi Gr8Nica

Oh dear that sounded awful for you , this is what I’m afraid of :( I think il just have the scan without contrast the more I hear the more it scares me ☹️

Thanks for the reply take care


milkwoman profile image

You could request a barium-sulfate contrast material instead of an iodine based one.

Don_in_midlands profile image


I used to work as a radiographer (the person doing the scan).

Before they do anything, they should run through a series of questions with you - one being are you allergic to shellfish. As you rightly say, if you are, then you could be allergic to the iodine. Therefore, they could either use a different contrast, or run the scan without contrast.

Now, the contrast is used to look at the blood flow within the area they’re looking at - in your case, your abdomen. A barium sulphate contrast only looks at the structure of your gastrointestinal system - so the outline of your oesophagus, stomach, large and small intestine and rectum. It does not show the blood flow.

So, they could run the CT without the contrast, as this would still show liver cysts, hiatus hernia and other abdominal structures.

If they particularly wanted to see the blood flow, they could re-book you for an MRI scan instead.

I am very sorry that you have had previously negative interactions when having a CT scan. If this ever happens again, please ask to see the CT head of department, or senior radiographer & complain. If they do something without your consent, that is considered assault.

Finally, the contrast is excreted by the kidneys - it only becomes a problem if you have a reduced kidney function (eg on dialysis, or only 1 kidney working).

If you have any queries at all, please feel free to ask me. You should not have to put up with such an awful service.

Best wishes x

snow22 profile image
snow22 in reply to Don_in_midlands

If one had an MRI instead do they then insist on gadalonium contrast? And is this not possibly more problematic, with all the lawsuits against it in the states as it can cause fibrosis etc? I have just refused this and they were not happy, but they did not say if my MRI result was as good. But as I had flu at the time and was coughing for most of it, I guess that might have altered the images and results?

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to Don_in_midlands

I was asked if I had any allergies ,no specifics . Did not have any.Had no problem with contrast . Some think the iodine could affect the thyroid but as it is excreted it seems unlikely.

Gcart profile image

That is a very helpful post by Don.

I collapsed within minutes of iodine contrast for scan and in hospital for a week some years ago.

I have never had it since . I have had CT without contrast and it’s not been an issue .

Be aware I say

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Gcart

Many years ago I had a liver scan and I had an allergic reaction to the dye they injected and I started itching all over. The Doctor injected me with something to stop it and he said some people can have a reaction and it might have been because I suffer from hay fever.

snow22 profile image
snow22 in reply to Lora7again

I have hay fever too and wondered did you have the iodine contrast or other? I just had CT with iodine and I think my TSH has plummeted to 0. something so am about to re test. My mother had iodine contrast and her blood pressure shot up to 300 over 200 so they had to give her emergency tablet antidote.

Hugoo profile image


I was in the same dilemma as you in January. Booked in for CT colonoscopy with contrast. I’m Hyperthyroid and had a reaction last time to my iodine uptake Scan. In the end after due consideration they did the CT without contrast, just Buscopsn. Everyone was very kind in the department and I felt really considered and safe.

Best to tell them your worries with the tick questionnaire beforehand.

Best wishes.

Batty1 profile image

If your allergic to seafood ask for a different way to test, maybe MRI would be better.

Shkmigmo profile image


In the last 2 years I've had 2 CT scans with iodine contrast. The first time I had abdomen scan, so I drank the solution with the contras. The result: my TSH jumped from 3 to 21 (I'm Hashi hypothyroid on Euthyrox). The second time I had CT scan of my lungs, so it was iodine IV contrast. The result: within minutes after the injection I got urticaria all over my face, difficulties with breathing, which would probaly converge into anaphylactic shock if hadn't been given few shots of fast and slow releasing antihistaminic. Also, my TSH jumped again from 2 to 10 ("only" 10 becouse my endo had been preparing me for the procedure by giving me higher doses of Euthyrox 15 days prior to CT). The only question I had been asked before the procedure was if I were alergic to strawberries.

So, I don't want to scare you, but since I had never had any specific reaction to anything (only mild seasonal hay feaver), I just want to warn you to check if it is really necessary to get iodone contrast for this particular san.

I was supposed to redo the lungs scan 6-9 months after the first one, but I still haven't becouse I don't want to go through all that mess again. So I'm searching if there is anywhere in Europe any type of less agressive procedure. I would be very gratefull if anybody could suggest the procedure or clinic...

Kazbe profile image
Kazbe in reply to Shkmigmo

Thankyou for your detailed experience and I’ve decided I’m not having contrast for my CT scan I’ve contacted my consultant and asked if he wants a more detailed scan il have to opt for an MRI because now I’ve heard all these adverse effects I’m not prepared to take that risk !

Could you ask for an MRI of your lungs rather than the CT after your awful ordeal ? I hope you can have that as an alternative that would eliminate any bad reaction and also get the results you need .

Good luck and take care


Shkmigmo profile image
Shkmigmo in reply to Kazbe

I was told that for MRI of lungs I would still need contrast, since only with dye some specific malformations on the soft tissues can be seen.

You did good-at least for not rushing into it without thinking through all possible outcomes. :)

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Shkmigmo

Yes, contrast might be required for an MRI, but it will often be gadolinium (rather than iodine).

(Of course, gadolinium has its own set of questions and issues. :-( )

Andy8565 profile image

I refuse contrast for mri scans of pituitary, as gadolinium is being retained. Many people have had many issues with this.

The scans show my pituitary just fine without contrast no matter what the technician said who tried to administer it to me.

twinkleyt profile image

I had a radioactive iodine injection for an isotope x-ray in 1970 for an overactive Thyroid Gland and had no reaction.In 2016 I had a CT angiogram with iodine contrast but this time I had a burning hot poker-like feeling in my heart, itching that turned into hives and couldn't breathe. They had to stop and I was put on antihistamine and steroids and oxygen.

Never again!. Think I screamed when it began. It was a while before I could go home.

Pam2017 profile image

I had a terrible reaction and refuse contract dyes now

You should and can refuse don’t be bullied

All the best

Just have without or mri

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