Hi everyone.
I have Graves’ disease since July 2014 but now in full antibody remission since November following treatment with Carbimazole, selenium, Vit D and gut health diet.
I have now been diagnosed with DCIS on a large Area 10x3cm and it is high grade/aggressive.
I have been told I need a mastectomy and sentinel lymph nodes removed this is planned soon.
I have also been told I need a CT scan with contrast with a high load of Iodine.
I absolutely don’t want to battle Graves again while battling breast cancer and I know that the contrast could well kick start Graves again.
There is a piece of research which suggests that taking 20mg of carbimazole for 2 weeks from the ct scan can reduce the uptake of iodine into the thyroid and prevent Graves reoccurring.
I asked my Endo and he said it wouldn’t be recommended. But then I was also told I’d never reach remission and that I should have RAI (despite TED symptoms).
Has anyone got any ideas or had a similar experience with CT scan and contrast dye?
Many thanks