Hi everyone,
So I started cytomel a few weeks ago not expecting much of a change. I was just happy to get off of armour and go back to levothyroxine as you can see in my profile levothyroxine worked for me in the past. I never felt any difference taking armour. I felt an immediate difference taking cytomel. At first it made me sleep a lot. I think because my body felt rest deprived. Then two days later I felt much better and much less anxious and depressed. I was so excited I kept increasing everyday. I was up to 30 mcg a day and feeling great. I know that 25 mcg is a beginner dose so I dont feel like I was pushing my body that much. I also dropped the levothyroxine to 25 mcg and eventually wasn't taking it at all because it wasnt doing much for me. I know this isnt the way your supposed to do things but I've been dealing with these terrible symptoms for at least 15 years and I think I'm finally close to getting them under control. My doctor said I should've stuck with just taking 5 mcg of cytomel everyday and 50 mcg of levothyroxine than test the bloods. So I'm back on levothyroxine and 5 mcg of cytomel. I'm also on a high dose of sertraline that is impacting how I feel. I think mostly levothyroxine treatment could work but it takes much longer for me to feel better between levo and cytomel. If I take cytomel I feel like I can greatly increase my mood now instead of waiting months to make the same progress I could make in a week with cytomel. I didnt experience any hyper symptoms while on cytomel. I was taking 30 mcg everyday for about the last week and felt no hyper symptoms. It's my understanding to make 30 mcg t3 you would have to take at least 90 mcg of t4 and my body couldn't tolerate 75 mcg of levothyroxine (heart palpitations when taking t4 only 75 mcg, couldn't sleep). That would only convert to 25 mcg if I converted it perfectly well. Anyways it seems like my dr wants to stick with the levothyroxine and 5 mcg of cytomel approach. I think the best step for me would be to stay on 30 mcg until I feel well and stable for a month or so then see if I can add some levothyroxine back in, instead of the mostly levothyroxine track I'm on now which most likely my mood will start to plummet and I may have to wait a long while to feel better. Any thoughts? Dont try to shame me for what I've done you are wasting your time. Please PM if you want to know more details.