I see Thyro-gold has been mentioned again recently on TUK...I asked before if this is actually NDT but no-one seemed sure. I was told impossible to find out if Thyro-gold contained NDT. Anymore up to date info. on this product? Thanks
Thyro-gold: I see Thyro-gold has been mentioned... - Thyroid UK

Google it and read Dr Lowe’s answers to questions,

Apparently Tammy Lowe is very helpful. There is a contact form on the website
I'm sorry but I'm not very sharp on computers but I cannot find this contact form !
Have you scrolled down, it's near the bottom of the page.
Just done so!
The form is headed :
"Need more product info?"
Underneath that is a section where you enter Name, Email address and Message. Then you have to press Send. On my PC it is below the section which has a black background.
You might find what you want to know in the Q&A section of the website SeasideSusie has linked.
Dr John Lowe invented this in order that people didn't need a prescription. It is a proper NDT. He disliked immensley that people weren't diagnosed upon their clinical symptoms alone so that's the reason he invented Thyro-gold.
He disliked levothyroxine because it was T4 alone which replaced NDT (for which our BTA also made False Statements about it in order to get it withdrawn). Especially as it was the only thyroid hormone replacement prescribed without prescriptions since 1892 and from then on people didn't die a horrible death.
Some people couldn't convert T4 and into sufficient T3 which is supposed to be the aim. Especially if a doctor goes by TSH alone with the result that many remain undiagnosed/symptomatic and may develop other serious problems.
I don't understand why 'specialists' who are supposed to be more informed have reduced our options to levo alone. Ignoring the fact that if the patients are very symptomatic they're given any othe prescriptions instead of an adequate dose of thyroid hormones.
This is what he says in Q and A’s
Dr. Lowe: Thyro-Gold™ contains all the natural contents of the bovine thyroid gland.
It contains thyroid extract from cows so contains all the hormones normally present. A person who contacted Tammy Lowe was told a 300 mg capsule contains approximately 100 mcg of T4 and 25 mcg of T3 (so presumably the 150 mg capsule contains half that amount). The exact hormone content cannot be stated since it is sold as a supplement.

This is an extract from above link:-
"Thyro-Gold Ingredients
Whole-gland thyroid powder sourced from Non-GMO pasture-fed New Zealand cows:
New Zealand is among the countries that has banned Monsanto's genetically modified hormone POSILAC, which the pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly acquired in August 2008.[1] POSILAC is a genetically modified hormone called "recombinant somatotropin," or "rBST." The hormone is used in the beef industry to stimulate the growth of calves and to increase milk production by adult cows.
New Zealand has never had a report or record of mad cow disease and is free from other similar diseases, called "transmissible spongiform encephalopathies." The European Commission, for example, recognizes New Zealand as free from the spongiform encephalopathy named "scrapie."[3] Scrapie is an infectious brain disease of sheep that's usually fatal.
Thyro-Gold™, then, is clean and disease-free and will remain so.
Yes, along with Argentina I believe...all supplements such as adrenal glandulars and cortex of bovine origin seem to contain raw material sourced from either NZ or Argentina.
oh this is interesting, so I can buy this product with no problem in the UK?
No you cannot purchase in UK, but I'll give a link and it is run by Tammy Lowe - Dr Lowe's widow.
If you do decide to try it, I'd be interested in your experience as I have been considering trying it myself.

Search on other posts I've written and you will get my experience of using Thyro-Gold. All good
Yes you can buy it from US and have it delivered to your address in uk. You will have to pay 20% vat and £8 admin charge on top of the cost of your order.
ah! thanks, will see if it is more cost effective ..
I can confirm that Thyro-Gold is definitely a NDT. I'm on it and have been since 2015. My blood tests prove it has both T4 and T3 in it.
To give you reassurance, it's developer Dr John C Lowe, was the medical expert to ThyroidUk until his death in 2012.
Written as a reply to another post this morning, Metavive is another similar product, there are others but my memory is letting me down on names:
Thyrogold is one of a handful of thyroid hormone products that is sold as a supplement rather than as a medication. But don't be misled, it was developed by Dr Lowe (often discussed on the forum) as an ideal thyroid hormone replacement. It only keeps these things vague for strategic legal reasons, to remain categorised as over the counter. It almost certainly contains just as much thyroid hormone and is functionally the same substance as any NDT.
Because of this it's really important to dose it just as carefully as any other thyroid hormone.
More generally, if anyone has tried both Thyro-Gold and porcine NDT such as Armour, WP, or Thyroid-S, did you notice any difference between bovine and porcine thyroid (the latter is sometimes said to be closer to human chemistry)?

I swelled up on the porcine NDTs I tried: WP Thyroid and Nature Throid (the old formulation)
I tried the Thyro-Gold 150 (in the U.S.) and wasn't exactly sure what I was getting, dose wise. I felt terrible, so it probably wasn't enough, but the cost was not going to be sustainable for me, plus there are only 2 (or 3?) doses to choose from and how do you split capsules of powder to titrate up or down?
I have been on Thyrogold for a few months. Going back to have labs run next week. Prior to Thyogold, I was on Cytomel only. My issue was converting T4 to T3.
In terms of noticable improvements, my symptoms have improved. Mainly extreme fatigue, foggy brain, low body temps, uncontrolled weight gain. I have improved energy levels, my brain seems sharper and clearer...at least earlier in the day after I take it. I also get warm within an hour after taking my morning dose.
Will report back when I get lab results back.
What dose are you on? and do you take split dose? thanks
I started on 150. After a month of very slight symptom improvement, I added another dose later in the day. Saw symptom improvement with a total 300. Next time I ordered 300, but next time will go back to 150 so I can split dose morning and afternoon. 300 have to take at one time.
Was trying to get to a T3 dose near 25, was told 150 had about 12mcg.
Also noticed that even at the higher dosage, it feels "smoother" than what I experienced with Cytomel - T3 only.
Sus64, Sorry for misleading you, I think I must have posted this on the Patient.co.uk forum not this one. It dates from Feb 2018...
I'm on ThyroGold.
It was someone on the patient.co.uk site who told me about ThyroGold and was literally a lifesaver as I'd become allergic/intolerant to all of the other thyroid meds.
Note: ThyroGold says it's a 'nutritional supplement' so that it can be bought without prescription, but don't be fooled, it is Natural Desiccated Thyroid and should only be taken by someone with diagnosed hypothyroidism.
Not sure we're allowed to post where we get it from. Google it and you'll find it, though scroll down past the ads.
A good site for information on dosing with Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT) is
stop the thyroidmadness.com
150mg of ThyroGold is a reasonable DAILY starting dose - split into 2 doses.
Then it is advised to build up slowly by increasing by 150mg at a time every two weeks IF symptoms warrant it.
This is a link to the question and answer part of the ThyroGold site:
This is a link to the over stimulation form (useful for monitoring symptoms):
I would certainly recommend reading the 3 free chapters Dr Lowe provides at the top of the question and answer part of his website.
I can't urge you strongly enough to read ALL of the information in 'Question and Answer' on the ThyroGold website (see menu on left hand side). It will give you an understanding of why you should increase the dose slowly (it takes our cells at least 2 weeks to adapt).
As to cost, there is now a minimum order size of 2 x 90 tablet bottles of 150mg ThyroGold. [This would now cost you $38 each]. If you decide to order, remember to take account of the $ to £ exchange rate and that you need to add 20% VAT and the Royal Mail's handling charge of £8.50. At my current dose of 300mg a day this would last me 90 days. This is not cheap for something you don't know will suit you.
I'm doing great on Thyro-Gold - wish I'd found it years ago! I feel way better than I did before I went on it, it does though take work to dose yourself, as you need to thoroughly understand the information on self dosing and be able to interpret your body's response.
I really hope Thyro-Gold works as well for you as it is doing for me.
Just pull the capsules apart to take less. (Dr Lowe mentions it's ok to do this in one of the Q&As.)
The way I split them is to tip some into an empty capsule. Tamp both down. See if they are level. Repeat until the two capsules are level and you know you've got 150mg in each capsule. I repeat this to get 75mg.
I get empty capsules from here
I buy size 00 because they are the same size as the 300mg capsules (making it easier to tip half in) and they fit a normal (circular cross sectioned) pencil in (which I use to tamp down the Thyro-Gold powder).
It is REALLY important to dose 'low and slow' to give your body chance adapt to getting T3 directly. It takes about 2 weeks.
I followed the dosing instructions on Stopthethyroidmadness
T3 is potent stuff, so you need to know what you're doing. Read the free pdf files provided under the Q&A of the Thyro-Gold site. Also the Q&As are useful.
Thanks, another way to split capsules is to open capsule, pour contents into say 10ml wam water shake vigorously to mix , then swallow 5ml = half dose, other 5ml can be kept in fridge till needed This I think is a more reliable method than dealing with powder which might not be accurately mixed
If the powder hasn't been properly mixed, there would already be variation one capsule to the next.
All thyroid hormone products which suggest mixing with water also say that any that is not needed should be disposed of and NOT kept.
Didn't know any thyroid products suggested mixing with water - it was just a thought I had!! and I only meant keeping for at most 24 hrs I'm sure capsule releases it's contents and mixes with the bodies water anyway
It's Teva T3 that has recently started saying mix with water and throw the rest away.
Rest of what?
It is also most (all?) the levothyroxine products - usually expecting the advice to be used for children.
Thanks....still think no harm to keep "left over" part in fridge for short time
I wouldn't be too sure. Oxygen and humidity are known to affect thyroid hormones.
What about the mixing in water? Doesn't water contain oxygen? Or doesn't it matter if it is used immediately? Sorry I'm just being a pest now, been a long boring day...Forgive?
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen atoms chemically bound.
Most water also has some additional oxygen disssolved in it from contact with the atmosphere.
I really don't know how long it would be before thyroid hormone (T4 or T3) dissolved or dispersed in water would be significantly affected - and whether by the water itself or the oxygen.
Just that because it is unknown, I wouldn't want to take the chance.
Thinking about it... Thyrogold comes with silica packets to absorb the water out of the tub, thus I conclude water is not good.
I'll stick with dividing the capsules up. I do it when watching tv and store them in resealable packets with the dose written on. Thus I always have a supply ready. I've got stashes of them everywhere, car, swim bag, every handbag I might use etc. This way, if I've forgotten to take a dose, I have the means to take it as soon as I remember.
I hadn't thought of mixing it with water!
For this method though, I would need to be near the fridge for my second dose, which I rarely am.
Also, anyone know whether it affects absorption if taken in water instead of in a capsule that gets down to your stomach?
I may be the outlier here. I took it for 2 weeks and didn't feel any difference at all. It's possible I wasn't taking it long enough - but I didn't feel any difference whatsoever, not even the slightest improvement. Been on Thyroid -S now, and am closer to my normal self again.