Wondering if anyone has experience of Thyro-Gold?
Thyro-Gold: Wondering if anyone has experience of... - Thyroid UK

I have tried it and found it helpful. Only problem was I lost weight (unusually for a hypoT) I am on the thin and definitely did want to lose weight!
Yes, I find it as effective as Erfa Thyroid.
It was developed by Dr John Lowe (as you probably know) as he wanted a non-prescription NDT for patients who weren't improving on levothyroxine and whose Endos wouldn't prescribe it for them due to the mis-information/false statements made about it. Despite it's use since around 1892. He was also an Adviser to Thyroiduk.org.uk before his death.
At first, I was a bit surprised it contained bovine thyroid, as I've read that porcine thyroid is closer to human thyroid, but my fears were unfounded. Thyro Gold works very well, and even better than some NDT brands...
Thank you - very interesting and will pass on to my sister (hypothyroid) and also my niece (recovered from thyroid cancer but dependant on medication now) I felt it was a good, trustworthy product and the company ethical but is is always good to hear thoughts from those who have used it. Thanks a lot for taking the trouble to reply
Yes, it's definitely a trustworthy company. Dr. Lowe's widow, Tammy Lowe, sells the product now, and she even takes the time to answer questions herself.
I had difficulty getting the dose to match a 1 grain tablet, as it's a powder filled capsule. It was trial & mostly error, as I'd no reply when I asked how a capsule compares to a 1 grain tablet. Too much & my skin burned, & I couldn't sleep. Too little, & turned back into a doormouse.
After a month feeling extremely ill, I went back to my previous NDT.
Yes, thanks!
I'm back on the stuff that works.
Hope you're doing ok, too!
Just out of curiosity, if you read this: which stuff do you consider work...?
I like WP, & intend to stick with this one. It's supposed to have the least allergic fillers.
I haven't tried any others, aside from Thyro Gold.
I saw some people who suffer from side effects on internet. heart palpitations or anxiety like symptoms or brain fog, etc. raypeatforum.com/community/... I also experienced tremor or faster heart beats.