Hi, My doctor has said I need to reduce my thyroxine by 25mcg - I'm currently on 125 per day. This was after another reduction from a year ago, I was first diagnosed three years ago.
My concern is that my Free T4 is currently in mid range 18.6 pmol/L
(range 12-22), and T3 at 5 pmol/L (range 3.1-6.8) however my TSH is only 0.03 (range .027-4.20). This has always been low and my T4 high whilst on Levothyroxine and have been told here that it should be on the high side if being treated. So I am a bit concerned that the T4 has got lower, it was at 27.3 at the highest test, which is why I was happy to lower the dose at that time. Is it because of the TSH that he has said lower it again, that has always been low for me, since taking medication have only been tested as high as 0.13?
The blood results for others are in range thanks to advice from here and now taking supplements for them all Vit D is 76nmol/L
range 50-120 taking 1 25ug per day, B12 668ng/L range 197-771 taking 1000ug every other day, Ferritin 78ug/L range 30-400 taking 14mg iron tablets per day.
They also do a Bone Profile check and all good apart from inorganic phosphate
which is below range at 0.69mmol/L range 0.87 - 1.45
- this has been slowly getting lower was at 1.10 when I first started the Levothyroxine. Is this related in anyway or another issue I should ask about?
I will do as my doctor advises and re test in two months. Although I have not actually seen him for two years as all correspondence is by text messages.
Any advice would be most welcome.