I have been taking T3 since the beginning of the year and was doing great but my insulin sensitivity went downhill badly and I realised it coincided with being on T3 (which other people have experienced) . Due to other dietary and health changes I was hopeful I could get my thyroid to function again and go 'natural' as previous test results have always indicated I was still producing T4 (and was 'overmedicated') but I felt rubbish on levo (20 years of still showing major hypo symptoms) and the plan was (and still is) to get my thyroid functioning again and with other dietary and health changes I hoped this would be possible.
When I was taking 25mcg T3 twice a day my TSH was 0.001 and my T4 was 0 (both to be expected) I felt great other than the crazy blood sugars (I'm T1 diabetic) which were making my life hell.
So around 5 weeks ago I added iodine (high dose), selenium, tyrosine, magnesium and vit d to my routine and am now taking 12.5mcg T3 twice a day. I am experiencing no hypo symptoms and still able to get up early in the morning. I feel great AND my insulin sensitivity has returned and I feel just the same as when taking the 25mcg T3 but finally back in control of my blood sugars.. All going well!
Last night my doctor called really concerned as my blood results are back and my TSH is 22 and my T4 is 6 (she did not test my T3 as they consider it a waste of money (and I hadn't pushed I was more interested in seeing if I had started producing T4 again. She was desperate to put me back on levo as these results would obviously indicate I'm severely hypo.
I have agreed to do another round of tests in a month but next time they will check my T3 levels.
My thinking is that if I'm supplementing with T3 then it would be normal for my T4 level to be lower as I don't need it to convert to T3. However I'm wondering why my TSH is so elevated. Could this be because my thyroid is starting to work again and is taking time for the T4 levels to rise or something? Ultimately I want to reduce my T3 further (though as my insulin sensitivity is better if I can't I don't mind continuing with the T3).
Could the elevated TSH be to do with taking too much iodine etc? Or is it normal when your thyroid starts functioning again. The first week of doing this my thyroid seemed to be causing pain when I swallowed and I was aware of what felt like a lump in my throat when swallowing but this went away and I actually didn't mind as it seemed to indicate my thyroid was doing somethjng again.
Thanks in advance!