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Tyrosine762 public posts
BTK Is the Target That Keeps on Giving: A Review of BTK-Degrader Drug Development, Clinical Data, and Future Directions in CLL
Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) degraders are a new class of medications that have potential to be effective in this scenario. This review describes the mechanism of action of BTK degraders, and their pre-clinical and clinical development to date, including emerging clinical trial data.
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Pirtobrutinib Delays Progression in CLL Already Treated With a BTK Inhibitor. (BRUIN CLL-321 Phase III trial results reported at ASH2024)
randomized trial with 238 patients, with my emphasis; https://www.medpagetoday.com/meetingcoverage/ashhematology/113337
[i]Pirtobrutinib (Jaypirca) delayed disease progression versus other available options in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) who had previously received a covalent Bruton's tyrosine
Improving Treatment Options for Patients with Double Refractory CLL - patients who progressed after treatment with both cBTKis and BCL2i
Approvals of multiple covalent Bruton's tyrosine kinas inhibitors (cBTKis) as well as the B-cell lymphoma-2 inhibitor (BCL2i) venetoclax targeting these pathways have revolutionized the treatment of CLL and small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL).
LP-168 (Rocbrutinib), a Novel Covalent and Non-Covalent Next-Generation Inhibitor of Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase. Phase 1 trial results.
Rocbrutinib is a new drug offering hope to patients with what are known as gatekeeper mutations that confer resistance to Pirtobrutinib. This BTKi is unique in being both a covalent and non covalent inhibitor of BTK.
Patients with gatekeeper mutations have poor outcomes and short survival and demonstrate