About 6 months ago my medication was raised from 100mcg to 125mcg and I have gained weight. My diet is pretty good and nothing has changed apart from my weight gain other than that I feel better. My aim is to get optimal and lose weight. I am feeling so frustrated with the lack of help from Gp who says I need to lose a bit of weight but is only fixated on my TSH and nothing else.
Here are my recent test results:
TSH 0.13 miu/L
Free T4 12.6 pmol/L
Ferritin 121 ug/L
Vit D 125 nmol/L
B 12 763 ng/L
Folate 18.9 ug/L
HDL cholesterol 1.6 mmol/L
Cholesterol 6.0 mmol/L
Yet again no Free T3 test as Gp won’t do it so will have to get tested again. So frustrated.
If I could understand why I’m gaining weight and what I can do to help myself would be so helpful because my Gp is no help at all.