Folate. 15.2. >5.4 normal
TSH 4.84 (.4-4.5)
Ft4 1.19 (.8-1.8)
Ft3 2.9 (2.3-4.2) was 3.2 when I was taking 7.5 mcg of t3. For this test I had taken 10mcg for 3 days
Vitamin B12. 578 (200-1100) was 755 nov 2018
Vitamin D 53 (20-100) was 34 in July. Am taking a supplement
Ferritin was tested but the lab sent a note saying it would take longer to process. I don’t remember that happening the last time I had ferritin done which was in July. Result was 81 (18-204)
I’m currently on my third day of 75 mcg levo and 5mcg t3. When I moved from 7.5 to 10, my symptoms were worse. My doctor lowered t3 and increased levo from 50 to 75.
Thoughts? As always thank you