I spoke with my internist this morning and asked for the additional tests to look at T3 and vitamins. She isn’t opposed but would like to up my T3 from 7.5 mcg to 10 mcg and do the full panel in 2 to 3 weeks. At that time, she may increase my levo from 50 to 75.
Folate Old 20.0 New 15.2 >5.4 is normal range. Dr. stopped folic acid supplement.
Free T4 Old 1.32 New 1.19 range .80-1.8
TSH Old 4.49 New 4.84 range .4-4.5
Free T3 Old 3.32 No New-UGH range 2.3-4.2
I've learned I need to be supplementing with folate not folic acid. It has also been recommended that I take the 10mcg of T3 and wait until new T3 results are available before I increase levo to 75. Any additional thoughts would be appreciated. Today has been rough,in bed, kind of day.
Thank you