Hello beautiful people!
I self increased thyroxine from 75 Mcg to 88 mcg (my GP thinks TSH of 4.9 is 'normal' and won't increase).
I felt under medicated on 75 Mcg and I know TSH should be lower as well.
Initially, for a few days, I felt really good with the increase from 75 to 88, split into 2 doses. However, about 9 days in, I have so much anxiety, it overwhelms me.
I talked to a private Doc as well and she thinks I can keep the old dose, or stay on 88 mcg, and work on adrenals to bring thyroid into balance.
However, my anxiety is getting worst on 88 mcg.
I already take holy basil and other calming herbs for the adrenals. And all my ferritin, iron, B12, D, folate, etc etc are in the ideal ranges (what is recommended here). Also, tried taking T3 before, didn't work for me.
Shall I switch to 75 Mcg? Or do one day on 75 and 88 the next day? Go back to 75 Mcg?
Feel confused about the dosing side of things, even the private Doc I went to see was not that helpful.
What worked for you, or what would be your advice?
Would really appreciate any help!
My latest results:
TSH: 4.9 (reduced from 6.6 in December on thyroxine 75 mostly, though also tried experimenting and took 88 mcg on some days)
T4: 45% of the range
T3: 33% of the range
9am cortisol: 384 (133-537)
Saliva cortisol levels are raised:
8am: 25.1nmol/L (high): < 20.3
12noon: 9.9 nmol/L (high): 1.6 - 5.6
4pm: 5.1 nmol/L: < 6.94
10pm: 4.9 nmol/L: < 7.56