I have been taking 15mg of a liquid Iron (Genestra - ferric pyrophosphate) to try and raise my Ferritin level of 33 (20-288) . My iron is in good range: 121 (46-160). I have no idea what my Total Iron Binding Capacity (TBIC) is but am getting all 3 checked soon. (I am not fatigued, but have had thinning hair in front and sides and adjusted thyroid meds have not helped over the years). I don't eat much red meat or fortified cereals, etc. since I'm gluten free.
How long should I wait to get Irons retested? is 6 weeks enough?
And do I need to stop Iron supplements including any multi-vitamins prior to testing? How many days should I stop supplementing? Have researched like crazy but can't find definitive answers. Some say not to stop supplements if I'm just getting Ferritin checked but I'm getting TBIC, Ferritin and Iron. Thanks to you all! This is the best support group ever.