Hi all,
I was started on Levo at 50mcg in January and my GP said after retesting my bloods in March (TSH1.81, T4 14.8 - the latter he admitted wasn't great) should remain on this dose for another 6 months and have another test then. I have Hashis and my previous Medicheck results are on here in a previous post. I'm working on increasing my folate, iron, vitamin D and B12 levels, supplementing heavily with B12 as I have a history of poor absorption.
So I've been on 50mcg for around 4 months already and yesterday submitted a repeat prescription request, asking if I could increase my dose to 75mcg. I'm permanently freezing, have headaches and palpitations, brain fog, no libido whatsoever, tingling extremities, numbness and stiffness in my fingers plus a whole raft of other Hashis symptoms. This is not something to be taken lightly as obviously a poorly performing thyroid can lead to all kinds of issues.
The surgery just phoned and my (now female) GP said she sees no need for my Levo to be increased. So she's keeping me at 50mcg. I'm fuming. And there's no point seeing another GP in the practice as there are only three of them (all pretty useless). Changing surgeries isn't an option either.
I've been reading Dr Peatfield's book and am seriously considering self treating. Would this be with NDT? I fought for years for the Hashis diagnosis, I knew what was going on all along but was fobbed off with CFS/anxiety/poor circulation plus the usual inferences that I'm neurotic. I'm at the end of my tether with GPs and would appreciate any help here: basically, where do I go from here? I'm pretty much decided that GENERAL practitioners are just that. Jacks of all trades, masters of none.
Meanwhile she's running all kinds of blood tests to figure out why I'm getting tingly feet and numb fingers...