Saw my NHS endo, consultant rather than the registrar this time. I told her how fabulous I felt. That I’m like a new person since starting T3, prescribed by a private Endocrinologist. She then explained that she will never prescribe it as there isn’t enough evidence to support its use and all studies to date have indicated that it can cause harm. I said that she had the proof sitting in front of her. She said one person doesn’t make proof and that they don’t know what the long term affects were. She wouldn’t routinely prescribe steroids but they make people feel well. I said that’s hardly the best comparison. She said they’re both hormones so she thought it was a great comparison 😩 But that at this juncture we’d have to agree to disagree because she will not prescribe T3. I said, well that works out well for you but not for me as you hold all the power.
She sighed a lot and then said that my GP can prescribe it anyway. I said she was passing the buck and that I’d probably end up having this same argument with my GP and so again I miss out.
She mentioned the press yesterday and I said I don’t know why you bring that up at my appointment it was a study on subclinical patients and my thyroid conditioned is established but that to be honest there’s some merit in it because Levothyroxine didn’t make me well as was claimed but combination therapy is working marvellously.
So she’s palmed me off to the GP. I did ‘request’ that she make it clear to the GP that they can prescribe T3 and she said she would but I bet my surgery will just blow me off aswell.
She said she would be very interested to follow my progress and was very keen to see what my bloods revealed and she said you will get TSH T3/4 done don’t you? It’ll be interesting to see what those numbers are like. Ofcourse i replied I’ve been having all 3 done since 2014. Oh I see, that’s unusual, she says. Not if you know what you’re doing I said 😂
I’m happy to see my private endo again but what happens when he retires? I’ve got a long life to live and I don’t want to be nervous about where my next stash is coming from!
MaisieGray I took my paperwork for the blood test and I’ll return in the morning to get them done! With her none the wiser! Great advice 🤗