Can Graves' Disease present with lower urinary ... - Thyroid UK

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Can Graves' Disease present with lower urinary tract symptoms?

GioFarmani profile image
6 Replies


I was diagnosed with Graves disease back in May 2017. At the time I had a general feeling of unwell, a rapid heartbeat, nausea and excessive sweating. I was put on Carbimozole - my medication eventually lowered to just 5MG every other day, when I was told a month ago that as my levels were 'normal' (whilst medicated, albeit 2.5mg per day) and was taken off Carbimozole.

Two weeks later, I woke up one day with what I thought to be a UTI. I went to the doctors where the UTI came back as gram negative and the doctor sent me packing with an internal thrush pessary. However, a week later the pain was still unbareable so I returned where the doctor completed another urine analysis and it came back that I did, in fact, have a urine infection. The worst symptoms ceased almost immediately having been prescribed a weeks worth of Macrobid, but I have been left with a frequent urge to urinate, despite not much coming out when I do, my urine flow being particularly low (it doesn't trickle off like it usually would, just cuts out almost) and sometimes a burning sensation. I thought maybe the overuse of antibiotics had caused these issues and so took an oral fluconazole, to no avail. I've since returned to the doctors twice, had two gram negative tests for UTI but been prescribed a weeks worth of Keflex 'just in case'. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I'm also presenting with extreme fatigue, thirst, nausea, low mood and excessive sweating to the point where I am doing nothing but a foul smell from my armpits persists (a symptom I remember well from when I was first diagnosed with Graves).

I stumbled across an article on Google that suggests that this could be to do with my Graves Disease returning, as my endocronoligst informed me was likely. I suggested this to my GP who dismissed this, and stated he was unaware of a link between Urination and Thyroid function, a conversation I feel would have been different if it was with a urologist.

Can anybody offer any insight? This is the sixth week into it. I've tried all natural remedies for UTI but to no avail, and it is very unlikely that I have an antibiotic resistance as I do not usually medicate with them, hence why I believe it may have something to do with my Thyroid Function.

Many thanks in advance :)


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GioFarmani profile image
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6 Replies
lmoto profile image

I have Graves too & recently been on 4 courses of antibiotics for a u t i i was so ill & the sickness may be a side effect of the antibiotics, not sure if they are linked but I think infection is something more prevalent in auto immune diseases

2ndtimeround profile image

Drink plenty of cranberry juice and this will soon help your uti

Samy3 profile image

3 years been diagnosed with graves disease not on any medication for thyroid but frequent urination throughout the day is my issue aswell been to GP so many time for this but no luck I think it's related to thyroid

Can't really add much, except barley water is also supposed to be good for UTIs.

By the way "Gram negative" is a test for particular kind of bacteria that cause UTIs, so If the gram negative test is positive you have them and if it's negative you don't.

HLAB35 profile image

Try D-Mannose.. look it up in conjunction with utis. It breaks down the mucosal barriers of E coli, so if it is E coli (a lot of utis are) it should help. The annoying thing about E Coli is that it can survive in temperatures below 60 degrees on some surfaces so in the interests of your health rather than the planet (on this one occasion) a few hot washes of towels etc. would help. ;-) Sorry, but I cannot help you with a connection to Graves though.

Legoparis profile image

I had graves when I was around 32 following second pregnancy my then endocrinologist said that it’s often triggered by a traumatic event ( in my case work related) I had carbimazole like you he also told me that there are close links between brain and urinary tract problems( in his experience) and hormone imbalance

My Thyroid eventually settled on its own but the bladder/ cystitis ( which was only occasionally picked up as infectious) looking back only settled once I felt happier and in control of my life ( as we know not easy)

Moving on to now -my daughter has had 9 years of interstitial cystitis -linked to hormones and overprescribing of antibiotics-which has pretty much ruined her 20 s she doesn’t have thyroid issues ( yet!) but has eventually found a couple of enlightened London specialists that believe she has a deeply embedded infection not picked up by usual cultures -one treatment is a very strict low inflammatory diet and other is 9 months of high dose antibiotic ( both not recommended by NHS) she is gradually improving and taking control of her health - but D Manoose did also help

I suggest you take a look at the website ( an action group for better treatment)

In my experience all endocrine issues are linked and getting them in harmony is like tuning a Formula One engine -when we are ill we are desperate for a quick diagnosis and solution and the frustration and stress of not getting it can further increase cortisol and add to our illness

I wish you a swift recovery and in the meantime take all steps to try to keep your stress levels as low as possible

ps about 10 years ago diagnosed with under -active Thyroid

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