Can supplementing Vitamin K cause atrial fibril... - Thyroid UK

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Can supplementing Vitamin K cause atrial fibrillation?

WildDeer profile image
13 Replies

I've recently had phases of palpitations , on and off through the day since a stressful event . I have a pulsemeter and it cycles up fast to 120 or so and then down again to normal or to low-58-64. Sometimes it seems to be because I've underdosed with T3 because of very cold weather. But not always. I 'm on T3 only and take around 50mcg daily in split doses. I've managed reasonably well in this way for the last 7 years.

Reading up about it online I see that the most frequent treatment is to give a Vit K antagonist to thin the blood. For the last 3 months or so I've been adding Vit K 100mcgs to my usual vit D3 as is now advised. Could there be any connection ?

I would welcome any thoughts or experience you may have.

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WildDeer profile image
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13 Replies
Ivorheadache profile image

Hi WildDeer, When I wore my Fitbit watch 24/7 I had atrial fibrillation. Now I don’t wear it over night it’s stopped. There is info on this if you google it. Apple have done research with there new watch, it is relevant but flawed and not particularly reliable in my opinion.

I also take Vit K alongside D3 magnesium is also recommended with these by Vitamin D wellness group on Facebook. They alone have not caused me palpitations. I am away from home and didn’t save any links, apologies.

silverfox7 profile image

As for as I understand it's K1 that is a blood thinner and K2 isn't the same but I've wondered why we are still advised to talk to our doctors if that could be a problem. Several years a go I had a Pulmonary Embolism and was rushed to hospital, given an injection to prevent the clot getting any bigger and told it was a 1 in 4 fatality and told I would be started on Warfarin for 3 months until tests showed why this had happened and the a decision would be made whether I continued or not. After three months and loads of tests I was taken off it as they could find no problems and told me the clot must have been caused by the surgery for a hip replacement a few weeks earlier.

However lately reading that K2 is advised as co factor for Vit D but to talk to your doctor first if talking anti coagulents I was confused. By this time I had found somewhere online where I could buy Vit K but I can't remember it saying it was K2 but I rang them. They asked if I had ever been on blood thinners. Told them my history and that taking Vit K had been a short interlude following a PE but stopped as soon as they were happy it wasn't long term treatment. So they said, and did, send me the medication and I've taken it for several years now. My doctor is also happy I am taking it though I've never raised the coagulation question with her as the episode was long gone.

I've also read literature where I got the impression that the Vitamin K is split to give K1, and K2 so I'm wondering if contamination is where the concern lies. I have never seen anything to say if on blood thinners you can't take it, only seen if on blood thinners discuss it with your doctor so not quite the same thing. Was the warning just so one is aware it can be a problem if the K1 and K2 aren't separated properly so taking it is at your own risk or symptoms to be aware of to stop immediately before that happens I don't know. If I had known about the co factors when I was still under the card of both the heart, lungs and coagulation teams then obviously I would have asked the experts. May be this has become more of an issue as I understand now there are different anticoagulants to Warfarin so may be that somehow comes into the equation plus I'm not even certain that K vitamin contains both K1 or K2 or whether they are separate anyway. So if anyone has had more recent information I would love to be updated even though I'm no longer on blood thinners as I've wondered about it ever since.

WildDeer profile image
WildDeer in reply to silverfox7

Thanks for your thoughts silverfox. I'm glad you have had no recurrence of needing blood thinners.

It seems like they haven't enough research evidence yet to be really clear about Vitamin K, which is a coagulant rather than a thinner, but certainly has a positive role.

I'm going to stop taking D3+K2 for a while anyway, and hope to get enough vitamin D from sunshine these next months.

It's so comforting to know this community is out there to turn to.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to WildDeer

Hi WildDeer, Vitamin D is known to raise calcium levels in the bloodstream and K2 directs the calcium back to where it belongs. K2 is found in green leafy vegetables like spinach.

I followed a wonderful doctor blog for years who also understood the human body (unlike conventional doctors today). He said that occasional variations in the heartbeat were actually a sign of a healthy heart. That may apply more to young people.

Co-Q-10 and magnesium are excellent supplements for your heart.

WildDeer profile image
WildDeer in reply to Heloise

Thanks Heloise!

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to WildDeer

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Heloise

It's actually K1 in green veg, not K2, but most people can make K2 in the gut from K1. K2 is found in animal products and some fermented foods as it needs bacterial action to make it.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Right, thanks for correction.

SeasideSusie profile image

I looked into K1 and K2 a couple of years ago. There are many articles about it and it gets confusing as there are conflicting views, some say K2 is a blood clotting vitamin as well as K1, others say it's only K1. I wrote this post with some links which you might find useful, plus there are plenty more articles to be found if you wanted to look into it more

WildDeer profile image

Thank you for this helpful information!

SlowDragon profile image

When were ferritin, folate and B12 last tested

Low or high iron can be an issue affecting heart

Perhaps you need to get these and vitamin D tested via Medichecks or Blue Horizon

Looking at previous posts you have Hashimoto's and are also gluten free

How low was vitamin D before starting supplements?

Just vitamin D testing

Low vitamin D and low magnesium go together

Gluten free diet is low in magnesium, with Hashimoto's we are often low in magnesium

Do you supplement magnesium?

This article explains should discuss with specialists before taking any vitamin K if you take any blood thinning medication

WildDeer profile image
WildDeer in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you for going into such detail. My Medichecks results last month were all OK. Will get Vit D tested. The mouth spray you mention in your blog sounds a good idea. Will also read the Magnesium Miracle. I do already supplement and have baths, but don't know much about it. I don't take blood thinning medication-just worried I might end up having to go to the GP because of racing heart these last weeks, and they would prescribe. I know, if it goes on, that might be necessary. I think it has possibly been brought on by taking 100mg adrenal cortex daily to help me through a stressful time? I've stopped now, and the episodes are easing off. Scary to feel so out of control.

Good however to have you lot to turn to .

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to WildDeer

Personally I learnt the hard way it's probably best not to mess with adrenal supplements

Only vitamin C to support adrenals and good levels of vitamin D (which is actually more like a pre-steroid hormone, than a vitamin

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