I'd really appreciate some help with interpreting my latest results shown in the photo. My previous test results (from Nuffield) in January when on 25mcg/day levo and 15mcg/day liothyronine were as follows:
TSH 5.39 (0.35 - 4.5)
FT3 2.2 (3.9 - 6.8)
FT4 5.7 (11 - 26)
My new Medichecks test results in the picture were after an increase in levo to 50mcg/day with liothyronine remaining at 15mcg/day.
Why would my TSH now be so low when my FT4 is below range? My TSH was elevated in January when my levels were really low, so it obviously does respond sometimes - can there be an intermittent issue with the pituitary or hypothalamus?
Do FT3 levels influence TSH more than FT4 and that's why my TSH hasn't risen this time, because the FT3 isn't so bad?
If anyone has any advice on optimising my vitamin levels that'd be fab - am I right that they are fairly optimal with the exception of vit D which should be higher?
My energy levels have been a little improved this last couple of weeks (though still not right) but I've been having at least one migraine a week for the last four weeks with headaches most days inbetween, as well as feeling very faint sometimes and also having instances of what feels like low blood sugar (suddenly shaking and feeling very weak for a while). My vision also hasn't been feeling quite right, I can't always focus well but this seems to come and go, as does the severity of the headaches.
I've also noticed that my once plump and easy to take blood from veins now seem to be skinny and difficult to get blood from - is this elated somehow? I always drink a lot, and always have as I feel thirsty most of the time (tested for diabetes, no issue there), so there shouldn't be an issue with me not being hydrated enough.
Many thanks for any help you can give me!