six days on thyroxin thought i was going to die my dr said is not thyroxin my tongue filled with red yellow spots sore .. pains in my stomach dizzyness confusion lost appetite no sleep nauusea crying if 25 was making me so ill i was afraid to take 50 dont know what to do feel excausted and sad as there is no other medicationn than thyroxin i live in cyprus has any one recover from hashimoto without medication /? dr said i will die in one year if i dont take it T4 13.90 TSH 8.44 THIS SO HIGH THAT CAN KILL ME ANYONE PLS WRITE HOW YOU MANAGE HASHIMOTO
hashimoto thyroxin25 makes very ill i am so ... - Thyroid UK
hashimoto thyroxin25 makes very ill i am so worried over this have too many symptoms and i am alergic to thyroxin

I don't think it can be the Thyroxine that is causing this problem.
You see, 25mcg is a very low dose.
Also you have not been taking it for long enough to have effect. Six days is a very short time.
Have you seen your doctor with this problem with your tongue? I am wondering if it could be Thrush. This is a fungal infection which is treated with Nystatin drops. Here in the UK we would need to see the doctor for a prescription for Nystatin.
Have you tried warm, salt water gargles?
Could you have a stomach bug? Have you had any diarrhoea? My mouth was full of sores when I had Campylobacter poisoning.
Or you could be very run down. Especially as you have had Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism for some time without treatment.
Whatever this is I would recommend that you see your doctor again.
Why were you started on such a low dose? Unless there is a reason, you should have started on 50mcg.
Could you ask your doctor for some more blood tests to check some nutrients levels? Especially :
Vitamin D
and Ferritin
You may have some deficiencies and require supplements.
i have low d vitamin as for the other viyamins i wwill test them and see tky
I am now on Levothyroxine 75mcg for 5 days then 100mcg Levothyroxine for 2 days.
I also take Colecalciferol (D3) 800 IU because I had Vitamin D insufficiency. My level is good now.
How low was your Vitamin D result?
very low 8
That IS extremely LOW !
Has your doctor started you on Loading dose of Colecalciferol (D3 ) supplements?
This can be as high as 30,000 IU to be taken in split doses over a period of 6 weeks (50,000 per week).
Then you would remain on a daily maintenance dose of 800 IU to 2000 IU.
You need to see your doctor urgently about this and discuss which treatment regime is best for you.
i also at night get high blood presure hot ears can hashimoto give you all this?
Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroiditis causes Hypothyroidism which causes many symptoms. If you look on the "Thyroid UK" website and search on there for the "symptoms of Underactive Thyroid" there is a long list.
It can make us very unwell.
Are you having your blood pressure checked by the doctor?
Mine is now raised, but not yet high enough for blood pressure medicine.
However, I have recently discovered that it was very high before I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's & Hypothyroidism and had my Levothyroxine started.
So, hopefully, when you have been on your Thyroxine for a couple of months you will see improvement?
i am afraid to take more as i was very ill
my doctor thinks that vitamin d low is no promplem and that i shouldent worry about it
Low Vitamin D is not good. It needs treatment.
Did your doctor do the test?
How long ago was the test?
Do you have the normal level range?
is very low . the lowest on the test should be 20 mine is 8
What was the date of the test?
You need to get this treated. So please see your doctor again.
Are you taking any supplements at all?
You will also need to eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water.
t413,90 tsh 844 is this very high?
Your TSH of 8.44 is too high.
It needs to be brought down to no more than TSH of 2 (to protect your Pituitary Gland from over working by producing too much TSH).
This is why you need to start on 50mcg of Levothyroxine (or Thyroxine ) and have it tested again in 6 to 8 weeks. You should then increase to 75mcg. Have a third test after another 6 to 8 weeks then increase to 100mcg if necessary and so on.
Ideally, you should have FreeT3 and FreeT4 tested, so please ask your doctor to do these.
You will need proper nourishment though. You will need to get up to date Vitamin D test and decide what dose you need.
You will need the B12 and Folate tests also.
You can't be allergic to thyroxine as it is a hormone that your body produces naturally when you are healthy - you can be allergic to the fillers in the tablets and might need a different brand. 25mcg is not even a starter dose and too low a dose can make you feel worse. usually people start on 50mcg. To get better, you also need the proper levels of B12. folate, ferritin and vitamin D. If these are too low, you can't use the thyroid hormones properly and will feel more ill. It's unlikely that you'll die in one year of you don't take replacement hormones, but you will gradually get dementia and heart disease, and probably be bedridden - before thyroid hormones were discovered, people with underactive thyroids used to die in the mad house.
Hi Morcan, so sorry you are in a bad place being so ill.. I was taking Levothyroxine for 4 years, I was so very ill and had many unbearable symptoms from head to toe.. I kept telling my Endocrinologist about how I was feeling, he kept saying it was nothing to do with my Thyroid, but I knew he was wrong, one knows their own body. So I refused to see him and saw another consultant.. I told her everything and at that time I was contemplating suicide as I could no longer carry on.. She agreed with me and said I was allergic to Levothyroxine and not to take them any more.. I am now taking Liothyronine and feel so much better, but still not 100%.. Apparently it takes 8 weeks for the body to get use to the new medication.. I will never take Levothyroxine again and have reported my other consultant to the medical board for sheer incompetence and neglect, I could have died if I hadn't decided to stop the levo.