only about two month i found out that i have hashimoto hypothyroide tried medication twice and i canot hudle site effects .. i wont take for a month and do test again ... as i have also pernious anemia and very low vitamin d i started some medication for this i am feeling bad but i feel ten times more bad with thyroxin i do worry but i am afraid to start and feel as bad as i felt whwn i was taking it ....only euthyrox in cyprus i am trying to see which product have leess lactose i am alergig to lactose i dont drink milk from young age. and i saw is got lactose in it
staying away from thyroxine for a month - Thyroid UK
staying away from thyroxine for a month

"Teva" levothyroxine is lactose-free. However, as other posts in this forum show, many people do not cope well with "Teva".
An alternative is Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT). The brands "NP Thyroid" and "Armour" are both lactose-free at time of writing. Armour does contain titanium dioxide which you may prefer to avoid though.
I took Teva levothyroxine until very recently, but have now switched to NP Thyroid to see if that works better for me.
It is a good response from JumpJiving and NDT is made from pigs' thyroid glands so it is why it is called 'natural' rather than synthetic like T4 and T3.
There are also others available but no information is permitted on the forum but you could put up another post asking for Private Message to be sent to you - this will be private between you and the sender.
You would have to pay for it of course but might be well worth it if it helps alleviates your symptoms.
Just in case I will give a link which might be helpful. This doctor would never prescribe levo - only NDT or T3 for thyroid hormone resistant patients.
I've redid the link.
Hashimoto's and hypothyroid are treated the same. Once diagnosed and we do not take replacement thyroid hormones it can cause even more problems for us. Also if we are hyp/hashi's we do not pay for any other prescriptions for any other conditions because it is serious and we must take hormone replacements, our heart and brain need the most T3 as do all of the millions of T3 receptor cells so that our body/brain have sufficient. We want 'normal' health again - that's the aim.
what is pa? i am in cyprus they probaply dont know about this anemia as they tret it like other low vitamins i contacted a few nothing no injections .. any how i am not working so i canot afford any more ,, doctors hospital takes months to get appoiment to see specialist so i do what i do on my own ,, going privatly is costly i only get 480 euro a month and this will have to cover bills and already i paid half on blood test
I'm sorry that you are finding monetary problems very difficult at present.
Pernicious Anaemia - is another Autoimmune Disease which can be dangerous if untreated.
There's also another forum which deals with pernicious anaemia. PA means that you've stomach changes and it cannot absorb B12 and the person who has P.A. has to have regular injections of B12. This deficiency can also cause severe problems.reason whycan make you very unwell too.
You can check with the P.A. Forum if sublingual methylcobalamin B12 tablets (dissolve in mouth) will be helpful for you. They may not be expensive but may still be difficult for you to afford.
i tested b12 and mine is 101 [180-900] is the normal range