My new Doctor phoned me on Friday afternoon, I have a B12 deficiency and am going to him tomorrow to start injections. He said that I def. have to have my dose of thyroxin doubled. Am so chuffed, at last someone is listening! Have been feeling so awful these last couple of days, Dont know what I would have done if he had said that all was "Normal"
Happy camper : My new Doctor phoned me on... - Thyroid UK
Happy camper

Nice to have a pro active doctor. I hope you start to feel better soon and hope that he will listen and guide if there is still room for improvement.
Thanks Rosetrees. I am hoping that the b12 will stop palpitations and that I can wean myself off of propanonal (sp?)
Aaaaaargh. Propanolol is the stuff of ancient nightmares for me. I was stuffed full of it years ago in an attempt to control my heart. It's side effects are ghastly and I will never take it again, ever.
Do you have adrenal problems, I wonder. I now know that tachycardia and heart palpitations are a common effect of low cortisol levels. Consider having the saliva cortisol test done by Genova UK or Blue Horizon. Instructions here and here
Since I started adrenal support a year ago I almost have had a heart transplant, it's made that much difference.
Have been lucky, no side effect to propanolol . I think my doctor checked my adrenals with the other blood tests but not sure . Went to a dinner Friday night - lovely food but so rich! I thought my heart was going to jump out of my mouth after eating, snuck a half propanolol and it stopped thumping after a while
What was your FT3 result in the blood test ?
Good to learn we gave you the right advice How were the other results we all suggested - Iron folate ferritin VitD ?
Think it will be the increased dose that will help the palpitations - not just the B12. How was the FT3 result ?
I also had a bad reaction to Propanolol -well in fairness it was give nto me at dose suitable for those sufferingiwth hyperthyroidism not hypothyroidism that I have. Mine was a slow release one -made me feel extremely ill and my blood pressure shot up very very high -doc wouldn't let me back to work for 6 weeks. i will never touch the stuff again! Apparently Propanolol slows the conversion of T4 to T3 -absolutely a disaster for me!
Hope the b12 & extra thyroxine soon has you jumping around the place
Make sure your folate and ferritin are good to get the best from B12 injections, not just low normal. Have a read here:
Think about adding a good B-complex too, like Thorne Research Basic B Complex. Avoid any with too much B6 (max 60mg). Remember you might feel worse before you feel better (start-up symptoms). Make sure your doctor is treating you according to the BNF / NICE guidelines:
If you have neuro symptoms the guidelines allow for injections to continue at the loading dose rate until no further improvement in symptoms:
Be careful with thyroxine dose, correction of your B12 deficiency could make your thyroid meds more effective so you need to watch for going hyper.
Come to these places for support:
H x

Thanks Hampster1. Gosh this is a lousy illness hey? So many things to know. THanks for all your advice so I know what to look out for
Excellent news. It's funny what makes us happy - vitamin B12 injections and increased thyroid gland hormones.
I hope you feel better soon.
Would love to know what your actual symptoms were to get your Doc to prescribe B12, 661950,
(Do Ignore if you feel I am being far too nosy,) we are still wondering if B12 deficency is, or is part of Hubby's problems, that's why I am so curious 661950.
Hubby has weakened Muscles, joints, stiffness, coldness and feeling tired.
Thank Q 661950, very helpful
Tongue OK, but he does get the giddy spells, Hubby hadn't told me about that symptom, Doh! could have added it to the list for Doc. if I'd have known.
You a bit of a Happy Camper too ?
Coastwalker, I found the giddiness and fatigue the worst of all with the B12. I also had a folic acid (folate) deficiency. Some days I could not even walk down the passage at work I was so giddy. Pills soon sorted me out with the folate . Did the Doc find the problem with your husband??
No not yet, says it could be down to just work overload with too long a gap in between breaks, but he still has the same symptoms even after having a week off work and not doing much.
Shame Coastwalker, what a worry. Hope your doc comes up with something- has he taken blood tests etc. Would be interested to know if he has an answer for you , that is if you want to tell me. By the way, not much into camping. Just an expression we use here if we feel happy or happier about something
Yes blood tests done and am about to post them up on here.
Should try a spot of Camping 661950, we find it relaxingly intense, (in tents, get it )
Use to be in tents, but a bit more luxury added in nowadays