I'm sure that a lot of you are the same, symptoms are worse in winter. My consultant advised not to increase T3. (on 75mcg levothyroxine and 10mcg T3). But in meantime, I had increased only slightly by about 2mcg. (Consultant was on leave so couldn't advise). Fatigue was less debilitating with slight increase, didn't feel so cold, sleeping better and didn't need to inject B12 every day, could go back to alternate days.
Blood tests in Dec 18 -
TSH 0.067
FT4 21.3 (12-22)
FT3 6.3 (3.10-6.60)
Vitamin D 74 nmol/L (50-200)
Consultant advised, as I'm top of range for T3, not to increase and thought my increase in symptoms were due to something else. Have been taking vitamin D regularly as legs have been more achy and continued as usual with alternate day B12 injections but since January, need more frequent injections to keep my balance problem under control. (More information in my profile).
I'm back to see consultant next month but in the meantime, I am back to struggling more with daily activities. I tested homozygous for the DIO2 gene recently. With that knowledge (consultant aware of that), would I perhaps feel better on T3 only, or at least reduce my levo and increase the T3?
I liken levo to taking the brakes off and T3 putting me into first gear. The brakes are not quite back on but I feel nearly as bad as when I was on levo only. The breathing remains 80% better for the suffocation feeling so that is brilliant but I just need to get back to working more hours and coping with recent events. Three family members are ill, plus I'm trying to promote a new business and support my husband's new business. Income is a fraction of what we used to bring home so I'm trying not to think of that. But we are moving house hopefully soon to give the businesses a chance to succeed so juggling all that too.