Switching from Adrenavive 11 and 111 to Nutri A... - Thyroid UK

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Switching from Adrenavive 11 and 111 to Nutri Adrenal

Jollypolly profile image
20 Replies

I’m considering Switching from Adrenavive to Nutri Adrenal as price of Adrenavive has become prohibitive ..

Has anyone done this ? Comments would be much appreciated..I don’t want to upset any equilibrium...am concerned as it isnt clear what the make up is of Nutri Adrenal...

It doesn’t say anything about Cortex....

Thanks everyone....

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Jollypolly profile image
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20 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image

I'm in the same position. I've looked at Nutri Adrenal to compare. As it doesn't mention just cortex, it has to be the whole gland


The adrenal glandular concentrate contains amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals that are naturally present in this gland. In studies, glandulars have been shown to be stable in the gut, survive the conditions of the gut, and an amount of the extract will pass intact into the bloodstream. In this way, they may support the healthy function of the adrenal glands.

It's not very informative really.

I've also worked out the price and since the increase, as I take one Adrenavive lll daily, it will cost 55p. In the grand scheme of things, despite it being a big increase overall, it's only gone up by 11p per capsule. If my new adrenal test results come back showing Adrenavive is helping, I'll take the hit. If not, I may switch to Nutri Adrenal to give it a try.

CornishChick profile image
CornishChick in reply to SeasideSusie

How long would you go on Adrenavive before a retest please? I had one 11 months ago and am thinking I should see where I’m at.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to CornishChick

I've retested twice now, when I finish a bottle of Adrenavive I do a test to see what difference it's made, if any.

I learnt my lesson by supplementing with an adaptogen for high in range cortisol for 2 years without retesting (I ditched the practioner who started me on them and didn't think to retest). That resulted in very low cortisol so I've now got to raise it again but won't make the mistake of leaving it so long before retesting.

CornishChick profile image
CornishChick in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you. Did you see your cortisol rise with the re test?

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to CornishChick

On the first retest only my bedtime level had risen, although my DHEA did improve from 1% through range to 9% through range. Changed from Adrenavive ll to Adrenavive lll.

On the second retest, noon, evening and bedtime levels had risen, morning level was a bit lower. DHEA impoved from 9% to 45% through range. Continued with Adrenavive lll.

Waiting for results of new test sent yesterday.

It looks like my DHEA is improving well, my morning cortisol isn't improving (explains a lot!), and ideally I need the morning and noon levels to rise a fair bit, the evening one could rise slightly and the bedtime one could stay the same or even lower slightly.

Jollypolly profile image
Jollypolly in reply to SeasideSusie

Hi Susie..thanks for your reply to me earlier...

I’m currently needin two Adrenavive 111 so it’s a pricey business...

I had to raise from one a day to two in order to realise my thyroid dose at all....and still sense I need it..as I certainly still need to raise thyroid....

When I DONT need so much Adrenavive..I’ve found I don’t feel so good..and cutting back remedies that.

Am replying to THIS post of yours as I would like to know which testing lab you use...I assume you just use adrenal one..or do you include anything else,,.?

I’ve only ever had one adrenal stress profile through Regenerus...was a nice clear result with DHEA done too plus a comment on probable estrogen dominance,...

Anything you do which may be better than that do you think ?

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Jollypolly

I use Regenerus, the HOR05 which tests cortisol and DHEA, which I think is the one you used. I'm happy enough with that.

PS. I did the Genova one 3 years ago, that was fine too, in fact their graph is larger than Regenerus so a bit easier to see where your results lie. But overall, there's nothing in it.

CornishChick profile image
CornishChick in reply to SeasideSusie

That’s good news! Do you feel any better for it? I would be interested in how you get on with your results this time.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to CornishChick

I can say that I do feel better than I did and it probably has something to do with improving things in the adrenal department. My nutrient levels have been optimal for a long time, I keep an eye on my thyroid levels and do a bit of tweaking of doses as I know where they need to be. If I can fine tune my adrenals now then the picture would be complete.

CornishChick profile image
CornishChick in reply to SeasideSusie

Do you mind saying how you got on with the retest last week please? Its encouraging to know if Adrenavive is working. Thank you.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to CornishChick

Too early for results yet CC, it takes at least a fortnight for the results to come back, I think the samples might be sent to the US but not 100% sure about that.

lettuce88 profile image
lettuce88 in reply to SeasideSusie

Hello, I have Hashimotos and 10 years ago joined TPA and came off Levo and started to take NDT - was a bit better on this but still not well. Then Sheila Turner advised me to have the Genova saliva test which showed I had adrenal fatigue. She put me in touch with Dr Peatfield who advised me to take Nutri Adrenal Extra. This was a lifesaver for me and I took 2 tablets initially - then cut down to one. I was able to absorb my thyroid med properly. I had more energy and my low thyroid symptoms were much improved. I didn't need to take NAX all the time - probably bought a 120 tablet jar twice a year. Currently taking 1 to 1.5 grains of Naturethroid a day. I have been through a stressful three years - my husband died and I have my house on the market. At one point NAX became unavailable - just when I most needed it. A large consignment was stuck at the docks in the US and there were import issues. When it came back into stock I was told it was from a different supplier but the same formula/ingredients. When I got some I noticed the tablets had a less dense texture - softer and more crumbly. I just didn't find it as effective and I felt less alert - it affected my memory. I left it off and tried it again after a couple of weeks and it had the same effect. I tried Adrenavive II and it didn't help. I think I need the whole adrenal. I haven't tried Adrenavive III. Apart from this does anyone know of a whole adrenal product similar to NAX? If I have to I will order from the US and pay the customs charges. Has anyone tried natural cortisol? Glad of any advice and info.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to lettuce88

NAX is adrenal/pituitary gland extract plus vitamins and minerals. So if you could find a glandular which contains adrenal/pituitary then you could take the vitamins and minerals separately if you can't find a a supplement that includes everything.

I don't know of one and as you've tacked your question into the middle of someone else's thread it wont be seen (this forum doesn't bump posts to the top of the page when a new message is added). You could start a new thread to ask your question and other members may have some information.

Have you asked on TPA forum?

lettuce88 profile image
lettuce88 in reply to SeasideSusie

Thanks for your reply Seaside Susie - I am not very good at using these sites in the best way and will try again with a new thread. I have tried asking on the TPA site but will try again. I see NutriMeds do a whole adrenal supplement but haven't seen a pituitary one yet. Natural cortisol is available but am reluctant to try this - it would be a last resort. I don't feel I am absorbing my NDT - putting on weight, joint pains, dry thin hair, exhaustion, and hot sweats. I am 65 so it's not the menopause. I will have to have blood tests from Blue Horizon and do the Genova saliva test to get the full picture. Very expensive - but needs must. Dr Peatfield does not seem to hold clinics now and I am trying to find a similarly minded doctor. TPA cannot give this info - so don't know where to start.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to lettuce88

I don't think there is another doctor like Dr P to be honest, he is the last of a dying breed :(

ThyroidUK have a list of thyroid friendly doctors, but whether any would be like Dr P I don't know. You can send for the list from Dionne


Your joint pains could possibly be low Vit D. Have you had vitamins/minerals tested:

Vit D




Addressing any low levels would mostly take care of the vitamin part of the NAX.

There is a supplement company called Natural Sources that do a "Raw Pituitary Glandular" and a "Raw Adrenal Glandular" and they both contain some vitamins/minerals. You could check them out. It's not a recommendation, I've never used them nor have I looked into the contents.

Jamima profile image
Jamima in reply to SeasideSusie

Hello Seaside Susie - I realise this is an old thread but I’ve been searching through the threads today and your reply seems most in line with some information I need. My regenerus lab cortisol and DHEA test showed stage 2 hpa axis dysfunction and below range DHEA. I’ve struggled on since the test in late feb and recently tried to book a phone consult with private endo, still waiting for reply. I’m now getting desperate as my qol is non existent and I figure I’ve nothing to lose by trying some type of adrenal support. You seem to have good knowledge and experience, could you suggest a good place to start with these products. Many thanks.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Jamima


I can't make any comment without seeing results. I suggest you start a new thread and post a picture of your test results to include the graphic as well so that we can see if you follow the normal curve. Please make sure that no personal details are showing on the picture that you post, name, date of birth, etc.

Jamima profile image
Jamima in reply to SeasideSusie

Many thanks, I’ll do that.

I took Nutri-meds Adrenal cortex, which is much like Adrenavive, then you couldn't get it in the UK any more, so tried Nutri Adrenal - major relapse. Luckily, Adrenavive appeared around that time. Hope you have more luck with Nutri Adrenal than I did

Jollypolly profile image
Jollypolly in reply to Angel_of_the_North


All very interesting

I was on Adrenavive 111

One at 5 am with the ndt and one at 11 with vitc

These doses really helped me to get more stable temps so I could raise the ndt ..albeit very slowly indeed . Still not there yet .. another 3/4 grain to go I reckon .. but because of the cost of the Adrenavive I bought a pot of Nutri Adtenal and replaced my 11 am Adrenavive 111 with two Nutri Adrenal

Two weeks later I’d say I’m ok ...ish

Surprisingly not at all bad .. possibly it’s isnt QUiTE as effective but it’s tetty good /- well , it covers that extra 11 am slot reasonably well . So

My next thought is ..

would I get away with swapping it for the 5 am dose .. I haven’t yet been brave enough to try .. but am considering it ! It’s a whole lot cheaper .. Adrenavive 111 x 2 daily = £30

Nutri Aftenal x 4 daily = approx £18

So .. my thought then was

Try this path and then go to Adrenavive if extra stressed !!

Not sure how it’ll work out

Sorry it didn’t work for you .,

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