Many of you will of seen my posts on how I am struggling with a stiff neck and neck pain that I can't seem to get rid of. I have blocked ears as well, and ringing in my ears.
My ears seems to get worse when my neck is stiff. I have had ENT look in my ears to be told they are ok, I have an appointment with another ENT specialist next week (privately) and I have an MRI scan on my neck via the NHS. I have been to A&E twice as the pain was unbearable and they suspected a bleed on the brain. This was all clear after an MRI head scan. I was sent home with Naproxen and pregablin to take. I don't really like taking them as I have to take omeprazole with them so they don't damage my tummy.
I have had this for weeks and weeks, and looking back I have always suffered with neck issues, but not everyday.
I am waking up every morning with a stiff neck, stiff shoulders with pain everyday, and the only way I can control the pain is with painkillers, the pain doesn't go away when I take painkillers, it is just dulls the pain. My neck is restricted on movement as well all the time.
I have been to the physio, chiro, had acupuncture, you name it I have tried it. The only relief is pain killers and a hot water bottle. They all say my muscles are really tight, despite seeing them regular. The osteopath said my neck muscle were tighter than when I originally saw him.
I am self medicating on NDT and I am only on 1 grain at the moment and have another week before I introduce more, so I know I am not on the correct thyroid dosage yet.
I was on T3 (self medicating) and was starting to feel better, on 37.5mcg, until I started with intense headaches and this neck stiffness so I stopped it as the T3 seemed to make the pain worse. I don't have the headaches as much, but my neck and shoulders are tight and painful, I have no idea why this happened.
I never got on well with Levo via my GP, so stopped this ages ago. My GP doesn't know what to do and just fobs me off.
Researching I have come to the conclusion that I have Fibromyalgia. I have booked to see a pain specialist and they also deal with Fibromyalgia. It's not something I want to accept but all this points to Fibromyalgia, apart from I am sleeping well. I have had no accidents or injuries to cause this issue.
I am in tears everyday with the pain, I have not been to the gym for ages, due to my thyroid issue and being in pain.
I can't accept what is happening to me and I don't want to accept this as my life. I am trying to stay positive but, it's damn hard.
I am hoping that when I got the right dosage of NDT is will help. but I would of thought the T3 would of helped me.
At the moment I can't see light at the end of the tunnel, yes I am depressed and I can't snap out of it.
I have been on the Fibo forum and its not as friendly as this one, in fact I was told that Thyroid and Fibromyalgia are separate issues and not connected. I was only innocently offering advice to a post, but they didn't like that and I get a telling off, which upset me.
I have Hashimoto's and under active thyroid.
Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.
Best Wishes