Visited Doctor with private blood test results - Thyroid UK

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Visited Doctor with private blood test results

Thelindyloo profile image
18 Replies

Well where shall I start.............

Took my medi check blood test results along with all the information you lovely Admin’s suggested I take, I had also a long list of symptoms written down for him, first he didn’t look at anything other than a quick look at the blood test results to which he announced that everything was within range, I pointed out my B12 result and said don’t you think I should be given B12 injections as this is so poor he said no they are fine you are within range in fact I say you are just depressed, well I argued with him about this and pointed out the articles I had printed out he ignored them and said there is nothing wrong other than the fact you are obviously depressed, I again said no I am not so don’t bother trying to give me antidepressants, I then asked if he would increase my levothyroxine as I obviously am not converting to T3 very efficiently,he said nonsense your TSH is absolutely fine so you definitely are converting well, I said my god this is a total waste of my time coming to see you and his closing words to me were you obviously don’t realise that levothyroxine is highly addictive, I picked up my bag and walked out. I now am left feeling like the medical professionals really don’t care any more

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Thelindyloo profile image
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18 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image


I now am left feeling like the medical professionals really don’t care any more

I do think that, to a certain extent, you are right. There are some caring doctors out there but unfortunately you have one that isn't interested in how you feel.

Yes, your TSH is nicely within range, but not quite low enough for a treated hypo patient, and your FT4 is only 57% through it's range, FT3 is only 18% through range, so those are a problem, particularly the FT3. This just goes to show how little your doctor, along with many others, knows about treating hypothyroidism.

You've hit a brick wall, you wont get anywhere with this doctor. Is it possible to see another one in the practice, or even change practices?

Thelindyloo profile image
Thelindyloo in reply to SeasideSusie

Hi Seasidesusie I changed practices this year as the previous one halved my levothyroxine which mad me really I’ll then accused me of not taking my medication when my blood results came back showing I was severely under medicated

This practice I am now at is the only alternative in my so called catchment area and it seems all the doctors sing from the same sheet

Hopefully next year we will be moving

I will take your previous advice and buy all the vitamins including B12 but I must say I feel lost and like just giving up now let nature finish what it started I give up

SlowDragon profile image

What a stinker point seeing him again

So you will have to test your very low B12 further yourself

My B12+ test ideally

Or try a different GP within the same surgery?

Meanwhile getting vitamin D improved is first step.

Are you now supplementing this?

Get coeliac blood test privately £19.99

Or just dive in and go strictly gluten free without testing

Email Thyroid UK for list of recommended thyroid specialists, some are T3 friendly

please email Dionne

Consider DIO2 gene test or Blue Horizon Thyroid DNA test

humanbean profile image

his closing words to me were you obviously don’t realise that levothyroxine is highly addictive

I wonder if he ever tells his diabetic patients that insulin is highly addictive and that they can expect their requirement for drugs to control it to increase all the time? And they really should come off it because it is so addictive?

If some one with high blood pressure was taken off the meds that are used to control it their blood pressure would rocket and they might feel very ill. Are they addicted?

What about people with epilepsy, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and dozens of other diseases. These diseases might get worse with time, the patient will need more treatment, their condition would get worse without treatment, and yet it is only thyroid meds that are addictive? This is simply nonsense!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to humanbean

I often think that doctors don't know the meaning of the word 'addictive'. Come to that, there are a lot of words they don't seem to know the meaning of. I'm tempted to go to the doctor's carrying a dictionary, and every time they misuse a word, look it up and stick the book under their nose!

AiryFairie profile image
AiryFairie in reply to humanbean

Well said! My jaw literally dropped open when I read that!

Jazzw profile image

What an awful experience. :( So much for working in partnership with your doctor, or whatever it was that someone posted about a couple of weeks ago. Your doctors sound much like mine. I’m lucky if I can get them to turn from their screens.

So. Self medication route it is then? It’s what I decided to do and I haven’t looked back. Obviously it’s not something anyone would do lightly but what on earth are you supposed to do when the very people who should be helping you make things worse?

While we’re not doctors or health professionals here, we’ll help to the best of our ability if you do want to have a go at going it alone.

Big hug. You can almost forgive a doctor their ignorance - they get very little training on the thyroid - but to be so dismissive, patronising and lacking in compassion is inexcusable.

shaws profile image

Ignorance is bliss - as the saying goes. Unfortunately their ignorance is our tale of woe when we aren't getting better. Maybe post the following link to your GP. We actually do improve our health when we 'do it ourselves' with the help of members. Why consult with an ignoramous. Thankfully through the internet we can gather information and knowledge, even though we may not want to but if we want to feel well again, it is the best way.

Jazzw profile image
Jazzw in reply to shaws

shaws your link had its first h missed off. :)

This should work:

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Jazzw

Much obliged, thanks very much.

MissGrace profile image

Levothyroxine is addictive??? WTF? These stories of woeful GP appointments increase by the week on this site. And the list of stupid (and in some cases bizarre!) comments made by GPs get longer. You have to laugh or else you’d never stop crying. It’s like there’s some kind of big conspiracy against hypos! Don’t they like us? Is because we tend to be fat? And tired? And look like s**t when under-medicated? The great god TSH rules and wrecks our lives. I know we have addled brains due to fatigue at times, but not addled enough to accept their ignorant justifications for keeping us unwell. B******s!!! (Apologies - don’t want to offend anyone, but sometimes a well placed curse word is the only way!)

Naomi8 profile image

This is as bad as it gets.Truly shocking,but not unique,unfortunately.I have read many posts on this forum from people who have had similar experiences.I just don't know where we would be without Thyroid UK.

Provided one can afford the supplements,private blood tests & self-medication,there is hope for a better quality of life for us.I'm afraid I now have zero expectations of GPs & endos when it comes to hypothyroidism.

My last GP ( before I moved )was the best I expect.She knew I was on NDT & just let me get on with it,agreeing to my annual blood tests,including FT3.

AiryFairie profile image
AiryFairie in reply to Naomi8

I know where I would be without ThyroidUK - either in a mental institution or six feet under!!!

DeeD123 profile image

Put a complaint in writing to the practice manager. One thing I would be underlining would be the false information on thyroxine being addictive also the doctors insistence on a diagnosis of depression when there were no symptoms. well done on refusing antidepressants

in reply to DeeD123

Oh, didn't see this, I just posted the same suggestion

Im not suprised, thats the first thing my Endo said to me when I complained that my weight keeps increasing after thyroidectomy even though I have changed nothing about my diet or exercise and all he offered was Awww you need to see a psychologist...fired him

"you obviously don’t realise that levothyroxine is highly addictive"

Food is addictive too, and oxygen, and water!

Have you tried writing to the practice manager to complain about the doctor's attitude and ignorance?

I've only ever done that once, more for others' sake than mine. He was so brusque and bossy in manner and when I had difficulty explaining my symptoms (hypothyroidism does interfere with being able to find the right words) he cut me short nd told me I was "Confused".

To be fair, he did DO something - immediately told me not to drive (giving the impression I was banned for life!) and ordered a blood test and chest X-Ray -which led to me finally getting thyroxine treatment.

But the one you went to was appalling! OK, waving papers at him and trying to argue your case may have put his back up even more. But he obviously wasn't going to listen however tactful you tried to be

Something I've done twice now, that worked, is to make a list of your most troubling symptoms and how they affect your life. If possible get it onto one sheet of paper only. Explain to the doctor, or nurse or whoever, (hopefully there is ONE in the practice who is at least willing to listen), that you have difficulty expressing yourself because of the exhaustion and problems concentrating, so could they please read this.

If you have any recent new symptoms, or symptoms that seem to be getting worse, make a special note of them.

You could also ask one of the receptionists to advise you on the best person to see - someone who is a good listener. Try not to moan about the doctor you saw. That's difficult I know, but would give the wrong impression that you are a "Complainer". The receptionist might even agree with you, but obviously couldn't admit it. You could just say you and that doctor couldn't seem to get on.

Another way to tell those who are probably good listeners is if they are always running late!

All the best xx

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