I would welcome some specific guidance relating to my daugher's test results. She regularly sleeps for 16 hours at a time and I believe she needs a dose of thyroxine. I did try her on my 25mcg for a while and she felt much better but I was reprimanded for this and so stopped. However, she does take antidepressants (for anxiety) and this may be clouding the picture. She saw an endo a couple of months ago who said her thyroid was fine and she needed nothing. However, this endo did not test her T3, and her T4 seems suspect as I believe this measure should be at the higher end of the range.
TSH 1.103 (0.570-3.600)
T4 9.8(7.9-14.00)
Hypothyroidism does run in the family. I know how it feels to be constantly tired if you are not properly medicated and I am very concerned for her well being.
If there are any specialists on this site who agree with my suspicion, I would appreciate influential information which can be taken to a GP. She can then ask to be referred again, but to a different endocrinologist. The fact that an endo did not test T3 seems unforgiveable. Thank you for your help and advice.