Yesterday the Petitions Committee of the Scottish Government met. On the agenda was the petition PE1463 issued by Lorraine Cleaver regarding thyroid and adrenal testing and treatment. The outcome was as predicted: kick the can further along the road. Though the stage is set for a proper debate in the Parliament later. It really is watching paint dry.
Scottish Government Petitions Committee meeting... - Thyroid UK
Scottish Government Petitions Committee meeting outcome

I note that the NHS has now decided to give people with Diabetes 2 shakes & soups to help them lose weight ! It takes ten mins to make a homemade soup & about 7 to chop & whizz up a green smoothie! ( for those of us on the AIP diet for thyroid we ‘ve had to cook from scratch daily !) What a waste of tax payers money - meanwhile we are having to pay for bloods , buy T3 ( in my case Nature Throid ) at crazy prices & never knowing when our supply may be discontinued ( see WP) or prices increased-
Yes, disappointing to say the least 😕
Thyroid the poor relation of health. Yet in my 'untrained' personal opinion, underpinning much wider health issues than given credit for. Again this diabetes initiative, to supply soups and shakes, is lip service, for show, and it is not going to solve the underlying cause. Whilst some is based on diet, I'd bet most is likely based on underlying poor hormonal health, due, largely to toxins in everything we eat and have around us in modern day living.
These Dr's that see weight and see nothing else! No common sense to ask is there an underlying failing. They must know that it is possible.
Are they and their families immuned to thyroid illness ? Not until then will they act so that other may benefit too . How Sad and Tragic is that ???
I think that maybe thier familys are unlikely to have or get thyroid problems. There are very few fat doctors considerring weight issues affect 50% of population and they have to have very high stamina to cope with the long hours during training. Those with thyroid issues are weeded out by this or perhaps not taken on as a student in first place if has weight issues. They just dont come from the thyroid issues gene stock.

I had to argue with 'no fat doctors', it always amazes me when I go into hospital that you see people looking more ill working there than anywhere else in life!
During my thyroid cancer treatment, at times I had to be completely unmedicated for RAI. The consultant and nurse I spend most time with were both extremely overweight and struggled to walk. At one point I was being led down a long corridor to take my radiation drink, and no one could walk any faster than me. I felt like I was having a psychedelic drug trip, with my brain almost switched off, and it was a completely bizarre experience!
I do often wonder why hospital staff look so unwell. If it's the stress of the job, being surrounded by bacteria and toxins (these 2 women had both worked with radiation their whole career), lack of holiday provision and ridiculous hours. Who knows!
I can only remmber two fat doctors in my life, maybe I have forgot a few. Both of them male and near retirement and both similary hated thyroid patients and fat patients. I also remmber a diatician who was huge workingon a heart ward and there are always loads of fat nurses. My surgery has 7 doctors all slim statistically it should be 50% with a weight problem.
I remember reading this from a patient’s story on the Thyroid UK website. Couldn’t have been said better.
"I suspect that in years to come the medical profession will look back at current treatment of thyroid issues and attitudes in the way we now look at Victorian ideas towards mental health."
One day we will win. The truth will out. Hopefully in my time but seriously starting to doubt it and give up hope! The fight is truly exhausting.
Progress is like granite being penetrated by dripping water!
In theory the opportunity to have the petition aired in the Chamber should allow a good reality it depends on how many MSP s actually turn up that day.
They need to be urged to attend, listen and act.
This issue must go down in the annals of medical history as one of the most bizarre!
I think what is happening in the wider world is that a lot of people, not just with thryoid issues are losing faith in medical profession. I think we are moving toward a society where self treatment becomes the norm and doctors lose thier patients on mass. I think we will be better off on the whole. the NHS would do well to focus all is energy into emergency services and leave the chronic health issues for patients to sort out.We could maybe all have a fund to do so.