I had a review last week regarding my thyroid medication. The Dr refused to increase T4 due to suppressed TSH, despite my FT3 & FT4 being low in range. 'Guidelines' were mentioned.I agreed to an endo appointment, but pointed out the one I had in 2021 where he said 'if she feels well, leave her alone.' I asked how many appts I needed before I could take a dose that had clearly suited me before?
At that point my records were read, and I was promised a call in a week after a practise meeting.
It has been a week.....
Good news! I can increase my T4 back to 100mcg, which is where I felt good, with potential to go even higher if needed.
Conditions: I have to have 3 monthly bloods, an EEG and provide 7 days blood pressure readings.
I was happy to oblige. Once I start to feel a bit better I'm hoping that I'll feel more inclined to get off my backside once in a while and get my blood pressure back down!