Hello, and first can I say, thank you so much to everyone who replied to me. The information and help I was given here was invaluable at appointment today.
As life would have it the locum who I was expecting to see was doing the baby clinic and the GP who I told seven weeks ago that I wasnt confident that he could give me cortisone injections into my shoulder with accuracy, called me. When I started to discuss my blood tests and thyroid levels he said yes your thyroid is fine. I Immediately told him I had been in contact with thyoid UK and they were not fine and quoted him the levels which they should have been. He said he wouldn't think of treating until the TSH level was 10 and of course to this I said by that time I would be on my knees. I also was also able to tell him about the connection to frozen shoulder and foot pain and muscle weakness, and the other symptoms like coldness etc that I have.
I said to him that I assumed he was aware of the connections, he said of course, though I think not. at that point I said then he should have no problem giving me a trial. Boxed himself in there I think. He wanted to give me 25mcg and again I said that I would be setting myself up for failure at that level and asked for 50mcg. He said it may not even help me and could swing things the other way, but I said we can have bloods done to make sure.
I know without your help I would have had a battle on my hands and probably come away with nothing. I will post when I see how things are going.
Thank you again. Potter